America Moves Forward Bookmark Collection Context University of Connecticut -Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center Leonard Everett Fisher Papers, 1927 - 1999Series I: Books Illustrated and/or Authored by Leonard Everett Fisher, undated, 1927 - 1999
American Artist / Metropolitan, 1969 March Box 95:133 Bookmark Collection Context University of Connecticut -Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center Leonard Everett Fisher Papers, 1927 - 1999Series V: Exhibits: Programs, Correspondence / Appearance programs, 1946-1999Articles on LEF
American Assoc. of Univ. Women, Bridgeport, CT, 1978 October 22 Box 82:397 Bookmark Collection Context University of Connecticut -Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center Leonard Everett Fisher Papers, 1927 - 1999Series IV: Correspondence, undated, 1950-1999Appearances, 1961-1999
American Ballads and Songs Bookmark Collection Context University of Connecticut -Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center Leonard Everett Fisher Papers, 1927 - 1999Series I: Books Illustrated and/or Authored by Leonard Everett Fisher, undated, 1927 - 1999
American Heritage, 1983 Bookmark Collection Context University of Connecticut -Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center Leonard Everett Fisher Papers, 1927 - 1999Series III: Filmstrips and Artwork, undated,
American Library Association, 1981 Box 72:81 Bookmark Collection Context University of Connecticut -Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center Leonard Everett Fisher Papers, 1927 - 1999Series IV: Correspondence, undated, 1950-1999Publishers, Societies and Organizations (Alphabetical), undated, 1945-1995
American Red Cross, 1945 Box 72:82 Bookmark Collection Context University of Connecticut -Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center Leonard Everett Fisher Papers, 1927 - 1999Series IV: Correspondence, undated, 1950-1999Publishers, Societies and Organizations (Alphabetical), undated, 1945-1995
America's Own Mark Twain Bookmark Collection Context University of Connecticut -Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center Leonard Everett Fisher Papers, 1927 - 1999Series I: Books Illustrated and/or Authored by Leonard Everett Fisher, undated, 1927 - 1999
Amherst College, Woodstock, CT, 1972 April 7 Box 81:301 Bookmark Collection Context University of Connecticut -Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center Leonard Everett Fisher Papers, 1927 - 1999Series IV: Correspondence, undated, 1950-1999Appearances, 1961-1999
Anasazi, 1996 Bookmark Collection Context University of Connecticut -Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center Leonard Everett Fisher Papers, 1927 - 1999Series I: Books Illustrated and/or Authored by Leonard Everett Fisher, undated, 1927 - 1999