Albemarle Hotel, N.Y.C. (17), undated Box 1, Folder 35, Reel 2U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives La Farge family papers, 1850-1990CORRESPONDENCE OF JOHN LA FARGE, 1850-1910Jones, Mary Cadwalader (from J.L.F.)
"Allegories - Part Two. One Hundred Masterpieces of Painting" ( McClure's Magazine , vol. 24), 1905 February Box 7, Folder 8, Reel 4U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives La Farge family papers, 1850-1990WRITINGS OF JOHN LA FARGE, 1893-1911
Allen, Josephine L. "Exhibition of the Work of John La Farge," Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1936 April Box 8, Folder 1, Reel 4U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives La Farge family papers, 1850-1990WRITINGS ON JOHN LA FARGE, 1896-1972Studies of JLF
"An Artist of Japan" (Kiosai), lecture delivered before the Architectural League of New York, 1893 June Box 7, Folder 2, Reel 4U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives La Farge family papers, 1850-1990WRITINGS OF JOHN LA FARGE, 1893-1911
ANTIQUE ACTOR IN RED CLOAK LOOKING AT HIS MASK (Booth Memorial) Box 11, Folder 22, Reel 5U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives La Farge family papers, 1850-1990PHOTOS, 1850-1938, undatedGlass and mural designs by JLF, photos of, designs for
Apollinaire, Guillaume. "Henri Matisse," La Phalange, 1907-1907 Box 9, Folder 32, Reel 4U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives La Farge family papers, 1850-1990WRITINGS ON JOHN LA FARGE, 1896-1972Printed Matter on Other SubjectsArticles on art
Articles on art Box 9, Folder 32, Reel 4U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives La Farge family papers, 1850-1990WRITINGS ON JOHN LA FARGE, 1896-1972Printed Matter on Other Subjects
"Art," lecture in Buffalo, N.Y., 1894-1894 Box 7, Folder 3, Reel 4U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives La Farge family papers, 1850-1990WRITINGS OF JOHN LA FARGE, 1893-1911
Autographed photo of Julien Lemordant, 1919 June 18 Box 11, Folder 2, Reel 5U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives La Farge family papers, 1850-1990PHOTOS, 1850-1938, undated
Awoki, Riozo (1), 1893-1893 Box 1, Folder 26, Reel 1U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives La Farge family papers, 1850-1990CORRESPONDENCE OF JOHN LA FARGE, 1850-1910