THE NATIVITY Box 11, Folder 31, Reel 5U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives La Farge family papers, 1850-1990PHOTOS, 1850-1938, undatedSepia drawings by JLF, photos of
THE SOURCE Box 11, Folder 17, Reel 5U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives La Farge family papers, 1850-1990PHOTOS, 1850-1938, undatedPhotos of oil paintings and mural decorations by JLF, title or authenticity uncertain:
"The Teaching of Art," Scribner's Magazine , vol. 49, 1911 February Box 7, Folder 13, Reel 4U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives La Farge family papers, 1850-1990WRITINGS OF JOHN LA FARGE, 1893-1911
Thomas P. Hazard, Civil Affairs: An Experiment in Reconstruction (mimeograph, inscribed), 1949-1949 Box 3, Folder 27 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives La Farge family papers, 1850-1990Additional Material, 1936-1962
Three negative plates Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives La Farge family papers, 1850-1990PHOTOS, 1850-1938, undated
Three negative plates, taken in studio of JLF: photos of models posing for drapery studies Box 11, Folder 9, Reel 5U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives La Farge family papers, 1850-1990PHOTOS, 1850-1938, undated
Title cards (72 3" x 5" carbon copies) of works by JLF, brief identifications Box 13, Folder 21, Reel 5U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives La Farge family papers, 1850-1990CATALOGUES, 1878-1968Catalogue of the Works of John La Farge by Henry La Farge
TOKIO GEISHA Box 11, Folder 19, Reel 5U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives La Farge family papers, 1850-1990PHOTOS, 1850-1938, undatedWatercolors by JLF (Japan), photos of
Toledo Museum of Art, Katharine C. Lee, 1967 December-1968 October Box 6, Folder 35, Reel 4U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives La Farge family papers, 1850-1990CORRESPONDENCE OF HENRY ADAMS LA FARGE, 1922-1972
Toledo Museum of Art, Otto Wittmann, Katharine C. Lee, 1966 November-1967 November Box 6, Folder 34, Reel 4U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives La Farge family papers, 1850-1990CORRESPONDENCE OF HENRY ADAMS LA FARGE, 1922-1972