Reports on archival repositories and monuments, 1944-1945 Box 1, Folder 7 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives La Farge family papers, 1850-1990Additional Material, 1936-1962Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force (S.H.A.E.F.), Monuments, Fine Arts, and Archives (M.F.A.A.) office filesFirst Canadian Army, [Belgium and] Holland
Reports on German thefts of works of art, 1944-1944 Box 1, Folder 8 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives La Farge family papers, 1850-1990Additional Material, 1936-1962Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force (S.H.A.E.F.), Monuments, Fine Arts, and Archives (M.F.A.A.) office filesFirst Canadian Army, [Belgium and] Holland
Requests for information and replies Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives La Farge family papers, 1850-1990CORRESPONDENCE OF HENRY ADAMS LA FARGE, 1922-1972Correspondence re: Catalogue of the works of John La Farge for the Fogg Art Museum
Review of John D. Skilton, Jr., Défense de l'Art Européen : typescript, with letter about Skilton, 1950-1950 Box 3, Folder 22 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives La Farge family papers, 1850-1990Additional Material, 1936-1962
Richardson, Henry Hobson. "A Description of Trinity Church by the Architect", undated Box 8, Folder 20, Reel 4U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives La Farge family papers, 1850-1990WRITINGS ON JOHN LA FARGE, 1896-1972Publications on Churches Containing Works by JLF
Roelker, Alfred (19), 1897, 1902-1910 Box 2, Folder 49, Reel 2U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives La Farge family papers, 1850-1990CORRESPONDENCE OF JOHN LA FARGE, 1850-1910
ROMANTIC LANDSCAPE Box 11, Folder 17, Reel 5U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives La Farge family papers, 1850-1990PHOTOS, 1850-1938, undatedPhotos of oil paintings and mural decorations by JLF, title or authenticity uncertain:
Roseboro, Viola. "John La Farge's Conversation," (typed ms.), 1930-1940 Box 8, Folder 14, Reel 4U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives La Farge family papers, 1850-1990WRITINGS ON JOHN LA FARGE, 1896-1972Studies of JLF
Saint-Gaudens, (Augustus?) (1), 1905-1905 Box 2, Folder 50, Reel 2U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives La Farge family papers, 1850-1990CORRESPONDENCE OF JOHN LA FARGE, 1850-1910
Saint-Gaudens, Homer, ed. "The Early Recognition of Augustus Saint-Gaudens," The Century Magazine , LXXVII (includes reminiscences of JLF), 1908-1909 Box 9, Folder 32, Reel 4U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives La Farge family papers, 1850-1990WRITINGS ON JOHN LA FARGE, 1896-1972Printed Matter on Other SubjectsArticles on art