List of expenses (JLF?)/Receipts of Henry Adams, n.y. November 1907 Box 10, Folder 5, Reel 5U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives La Farge family papers, 1850-1990FINANCIAL RECORDS AND MISCELLANY, 1879-1918
Little seated figure, jar of flowers on either side (2) Box 11, Folder 17, Reel 5U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives La Farge family papers, 1850-1990PHOTOS, 1850-1938, undatedPhotos of oil paintings and mural decorations by JLF, title or authenticity uncertain:
MADONNA Box 11, Folder 22, Reel 5U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives La Farge family papers, 1850-1990PHOTOS, 1850-1938, undatedGlass and mural designs by JLF, photos of, designs for
MADONNA AND CHILD (altarpiece, Portland, Me., Cathedral) Box 11, Folder 16, Reel 5U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives La Farge family papers, 1850-1990PHOTOS, 1850-1938, undatedPhotos of oil paintings and mural decorations by JLF
Maps, lists, and civil affairs handbooks Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives La Farge family papers, 1850-1990Additional Material, 1936-1962Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force (S.H.A.E.F.), Monuments, Fine Arts, and Archives (M.F.A.A.) office files
Maps: northwest Europe; Holland/Belgium/France; England, 1940-1940 Box 4, Folder 29, Reel 3U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives La Farge family papers, 1850-1990Additional Material, 1936-1962Oversize (Folio)
Marburg, Theodore (The Municipal Art Society of Baltimore) (1), 1906-1906 Box 2, Folder 48, Reel 2U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives La Farge family papers, 1850-1990CORRESPONDENCE OF JOHN LA FARGE, 1850-1910
Mather, Frank Jewett, Jr. "John La Farge -An Appreciation," The World's Work, 1911 March Box 8, Folder 13, Reel 4U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives La Farge family papers, 1850-1990WRITINGS ON JOHN LA FARGE, 1896-1972Studies of JLF
McKim, C.F. (architect), 1898-1898 Box 2, Folder 47, Reel 2U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives La Farge family papers, 1850-1990CORRESPONDENCE OF JOHN LA FARGE, 1850-1910
Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1934-1938 Box 5, Folder 14, Reel 3U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives La Farge family papers, 1850-1990CORRESPONDENCE OF HENRY ADAMS LA FARGE, 1922-1972