Catalogue of the works of JLF (typed, with additions and corrections, in loose-leaf notebook): OIL PAINTING and MURAL DECORATIONS Box 14, Folder 28, Reel 6U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives La Farge family papers, 1850-1990CATALOGUES, 1878-1968Catalogue of the Works of John La Farge by Henry La Farge
Catalogue of the Works of John La Farge by Henry La Farge Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives La Farge family papers, 1850-1990CATALOGUES, 1878-1968
CATALOGUES, 1878-1968 1.5 Linear Feet Bookmark Abstract Or Scope This series has two subsections: (a) catalogues of John La Farge sales and exhibitions and (b) catalogue of the works of John La Farge by Henry Adams La Farge. view more view less Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives La Farge family papers, 1850-1990
Catalogues of works by JLF, Montrose Gallery, N.Y.C., 1901 January 24-1901 February 2 Box 12, Folder 4, Reel 5U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives La Farge family papers, 1850-1990CATALOGUES, 1878-1968John La Farge Exhibitions and Sales
Chanler, Mrs. (Winthrop?) (1), 1906-1906 Box 1, Folder 26, Reel 1U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives La Farge family papers, 1850-1990CORRESPONDENCE OF JOHN LA FARGE, 1850-1910
Chapel Window, St. John's Cathedral Box 11, Folder 22, Reel 5U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives La Farge family papers, 1850-1990PHOTOS, 1850-1938, undatedGlass and mural designs by JLF, photos of, designs for
"Christ Church Parish, Springfield, Mass., 1817-1927" (memorial windows by JLF), 1927-1927 Box 9, Folder 23, Reel 4U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives La Farge family papers, 1850-1990WRITINGS ON JOHN LA FARGE, 1896-1972Publications on Churches Containing Works by JLF
CHRIST LEADING THE SOUL Box 11, Folder 22, Reel 5U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives La Farge family papers, 1850-1990PHOTOS, 1850-1938, undatedGlass and mural designs by JLF, photos of, designs for
CHRIST, TIME, AND THE MOURNER Box 11, Folder 17, Reel 5U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives La Farge family papers, 1850-1990PHOTOS, 1850-1938, undatedPhotos of oil paintings and mural decorations by JLF, title or authenticity uncertain:
Clippings on C. Grant La Farge and Bancel La Farge, 1911-1915 Box 9, Folder 35, Reel 4U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives La Farge family papers, 1850-1990WRITINGS ON JOHN LA FARGE, 1896-1972Printed Matter on Other SubjectsArticles on art