Series III is arranged in four subseries that reflect the four divisions of Brewster's professional career. Brewster's interests in the international spheres of law, business, trade, and government is reflected throughout the Harvard Law Faculty subseries. The Straus Group and Economic Cooperation Administration files that document discussions on government financing for investment abroad are an excellent example, as are the files on the Organization for European Economic Cooperation that document relationships between government officials and foreign businessmen. His correspondence files, while including passing reference to personal or Law School administrative work, primarily focus on his teaching and research on the effect of U.S. anti-trust laws on U.S. businesses abroad. Brewster was an active faculty member and there are interesting files on work undertaken to revise the Harvard Law School curricula under "Legal education," and to study the interaction between law and behavioral sciences under "Ford study." There is substantive material on the activities of the American Association of University Professors at the national and locals level during his Harvard tenure. Brewster's files on the Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts (CLUM) not only document his involvement in social justice issues, but provide an interesting snapshot of its work during the contentious McCarthy era. The order in which the files were received has been retained.