ACTS 26:18: "In saving conversion they that are blind and in darkness have their eyes opened and are turned from darkness unto light" (p. 1), 1747 Nov Box 9, Folder 678 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Jonathan Edwards collection, 1696-1972, bulk 1726-1758…
ACTS 26:18: "When a sinner is converted he has an inheritance given him among them that are sanctified" (p. 1), 1747 Dec Box 9, Folder 681 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Jonathan Edwards collection, 1696-1972, bulk 1726-1758…
ACTS 26:18: "When a sinner is converted his sins are forgiven" (p. 1), 1747 Dec Box 9, Folder 680 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Jonathan Edwards collection, 1696-1972, bulk 1726-1758…
ACTS 3:15: "Jesus Christ is the Prince of life" (p. 2), 1751, n.d. Box 9, Folder 653 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Jonathan Edwards collection, 1696-1972, bulk 1726-1758…
ACTS 3:22-23: "I. Christ is a great...", 1756 Apr Box 14, Folder 1090 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Jonathan Edwards collection, 1696-1972, bulk 1726-1758…
ACTS 3:22-23: "I. Christ is a great prophet. II. Made our brother. III. Ought to hear him" (p. 1), 1756 Apr Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Jonathan Edwards collection, 1696-1972, bulk 1726-1758…
ACTS 4:11: "Unbelievers set nothing by all the glory and excellency that is in Christ" (p. 3), 1736, 1753 Box 9, Folder 654 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Jonathan Edwards collection, 1696-1972, bulk 1726-1758…
ACTS 5:31: "The Lord Jesus Christ works salvation as a Prince" (p. 1), 1742, 1751 Box 9, Folder 655 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Jonathan Edwards collection, 1696-1972, bulk 1726-1758…
ACTS 6:1-3: "That the main business of a deacon by Christ's appointments is to take care of the distribution of the church's charity for the outward supply of those that need" (p. 7), 1739 Jun Box 9, Folder 656 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Jonathan Edwards collection, 1696-1972, bulk 1726-1758…
ACTS 6:15: "A great fulness of the pure influences of the Spirit of God joined with discretion will make a person appear and behave with that heavenly amiableness, that his face will be beheld as it were like the face of an angel" (p. 1), 1741-1742 Box 9, Folder 657 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Jonathan Edwards collection, 1696-1972, bulk 1726-1758…