Rewald, John, 1953-1995 Box 19, Folder 4-5 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives John Hay Whitney and Betsey Cushing Whitney family papers, 1826-2010John Hay Whitney and Betsey Cushing Whitney, 1849-2008CorrespondenceWhitney, Betsey Cushing
Rewald, John, 1968-1968 Box 13, Folder 5 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives John Hay Whitney and Betsey Cushing Whitney family papers, 1826-2010Additional Material, 1840-2010Family papersJohn Hay Whitney and Betsey Cushing Whitney familyWhitney, Betsey CushingCorrespondenceIncoming
Rewald, John (correspondence) Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives John Hay Whitney and Betsey Cushing Whitney family papers, 1826-2010John Hay Whitney and Betsey Cushing Whitney, 1849-2008TopicalFine Art collection
Ripon Society, 1966-1970 Box 173, Folder 6 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives John Hay Whitney and Betsey Cushing Whitney family papers, 1826-2010John Hay Whitney and Betsey Cushing Whitney, 1849-2008TopicalPhilanthropyContributionsWhitney, John HayPoliticalTopical
Ripon Society, 1969-1974 Box 47, Folder 10 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives John Hay Whitney and Betsey Cushing Whitney family papers, 1826-2010John Hay Whitney and Betsey Cushing Whitney, 1849-2008CorrespondenceWhitney, John Hay
Rockefeller for President, 1968-1968 Box 48, Folder 1 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives John Hay Whitney and Betsey Cushing Whitney family papers, 1826-2010John Hay Whitney and Betsey Cushing Whitney, 1849-2008CorrespondenceWhitney, John Hay
Rockefeller, Nelson, 1961-1965 Box 145, Folder 3 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives John Hay Whitney and Betsey Cushing Whitney family papers, 1826-2010John Hay Whitney and Betsey Cushing Whitney, 1849-2008TopicalNew York Herald TribuneCorrespondence
Rockefeller, Nelson A., family, 1952-1973 Box 47, Folder 11 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives John Hay Whitney and Betsey Cushing Whitney family papers, 1826-2010John Hay Whitney and Betsey Cushing Whitney, 1849-2008CorrespondenceWhitney, John Hay
Rodgers, Donald I., 1962-1962 Box 145, Folder 4 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives John Hay Whitney and Betsey Cushing Whitney family papers, 1826-2010John Hay Whitney and Betsey Cushing Whitney, 1849-2008TopicalNew York Herald TribuneCorrespondence
Rodin, Auguste, 1955-1985 Box 76, Folder 1 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives John Hay Whitney and Betsey Cushing Whitney family papers, 1826-2010John Hay Whitney and Betsey Cushing Whitney, 1849-2008TopicalFine Art collectionArtists