Payson, Joan Whitney, from Betsey Cushing Whitney, 1960-1961 Box 27, Folder 1 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives John Hay Whitney and Betsey Cushing Whitney family papers, 1826-2010Additional Material, 1840-2010Family papersPayne Whitney and Helen Hay Whitney Family correspondence (incoming)
Payson, Sandra, 1936-1936 Box 240, Folder 10 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives John Hay Whitney and Betsey Cushing Whitney family papers, 1826-2010Payne and Helen Hay Whitney Family, 1826-1988Whitney, Helen HayCorrespondence
Peabody, Endicott, 1893-1921 Box 249, Folder 17 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives John Hay Whitney and Betsey Cushing Whitney family papers, 1826-2010Payne and Helen Hay Whitney Family, 1826-1988Whitney, PayneCorrespondence, 1889-1926
Peabody, Endicott, 1894-1894 Box 250, Folder 12 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives John Hay Whitney and Betsey Cushing Whitney family papers, 1826-2010Payne and Helen Hay Whitney Family, 1826-1988Other family members (correspondence)Whitney, William Collins (Payne Whitney's father)
Peabody, Endicott, 1922-1922 Box 240, Folder 11 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives John Hay Whitney and Betsey Cushing Whitney family papers, 1826-2010Payne and Helen Hay Whitney Family, 1826-1988Whitney, Helen HayCorrespondence
"People, Places, and Things," index of, 1978-1978 Box 210, Folder 7 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives John Hay Whitney and Betsey Cushing Whitney family papers, 1826-2010John Hay Whitney and Betsey Cushing Whitney, 1849-2008BiographicalWhitney, John Hay
Perlin, Bernard, 1949-1957 Box 74, Folder 1 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives John Hay Whitney and Betsey Cushing Whitney family papers, 1826-2010John Hay Whitney and Betsey Cushing Whitney, 1849-2008TopicalFine Art collectionArtists
Perry-Payne Company, 1901-1903 Box 248, Folder 13 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives John Hay Whitney and Betsey Cushing Whitney family papers, 1826-2010Payne and Helen Hay Whitney Family, 1826-1988Whitney, PayneBusiness
Personal, 1925-1978 Box 135, Folder 6 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives John Hay Whitney and Betsey Cushing Whitney family papers, 1826-2010John Hay Whitney and Betsey Cushing Whitney, 1849-2008TopicalFinancial filesWhitney, John Hay, personalLoans
Personal, 1956-1961 Box 59, Folder 3-4 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives John Hay Whitney and Betsey Cushing Whitney family papers, 1826-2010John Hay Whitney and Betsey Cushing Whitney, 1849-2008TopicalAmbassadorial filesCorrespondence