Rt. 34 Air Rights Garage, 1982-1982 Box 13, Folder 296 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives John Arthur Wilkinson papers documenting the Center for Advocacy, Research, and Planning, 1973-1983TOPICAL FILESCommunity Action Groups and Community Matters
Save Our Schools, 1981-1981 Box 13, Folder 297 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives John Arthur Wilkinson papers documenting the Center for Advocacy, Research, and Planning, 1973-1983TOPICAL FILESCommunity Action Groups and Community Matters
Searles, Joseph Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives John Arthur Wilkinson papers documenting the Center for Advocacy, Research, and Planning, 1973-1983ADMINISTRATIVE FILESExecutive Director
Silver Shields, 1981, undated Box 13, Folder 298 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives John Arthur Wilkinson papers documenting the Center for Advocacy, Research, and Planning, 1973-1983TOPICAL FILESCommunity Action Groups and Community Matters
South Central Community College [now Gateway Community-Technical College], 1972-1976, 1979-1982, undated Box 14, Folder 310-312 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives John Arthur Wilkinson papers documenting the Center for Advocacy, Research, and Planning, 1973-1983TOPICAL FILESEducation
Southern New England Telephone, 1980-1981 Box 5, Folder 154-155 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives John Arthur Wilkinson papers documenting the Center for Advocacy, Research, and Planning, 1973-1983ADMINISTRATIVE FILESFunding SourcesCorporations
Speeches and statements, 1982, undated Box 5, Folder 147 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives John Arthur Wilkinson papers documenting the Center for Advocacy, Research, and Planning, 1973-1983ADMINISTRATIVE FILESExecutive DirectorSearles, Joseph
State, 1974-1982 Box 9, Folder 235 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives John Arthur Wilkinson papers documenting the Center for Advocacy, Research, and Planning, 1973-1983ADMINISTRATIVE FILESTax exemption
Student employment applications, 1981-1981 Box 8, Folder 193 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives John Arthur Wilkinson papers documenting the Center for Advocacy, Research, and Planning, 1973-1983ADMINISTRATIVE FILESPersonnel
Tax exemption Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives John Arthur Wilkinson papers documenting the Center for Advocacy, Research, and Planning, 1973-1983ADMINISTRATIVE FILES