History/Notes by A. Goldstein for a speech, 1937-1938, 1937-1938 Box 19 Bookmark Collection Context Jewish Historical Society of Greater Hartford Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford, 1866-2012Series XIX: Federation History
History/Notes compiled as part of strategic planning process, 1990s, 1990-1999 Box 19 Bookmark Collection Context Jewish Historical Society of Greater Hartford Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford, 1866-2012Series XIX: Federation History
History/Notes, general unidentified notes about the history of the Federation., undated Box 19 Bookmark Collection Context Jewish Historical Society of Greater Hartford Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford, 1866-2012Series XIX: Federation History
History/Parson's Theatre: Charity Performance for the Benefit of United Jewish Charities, 1919, 1919 Box 19 Bookmark Collection Context Jewish Historical Society of Greater Hartford Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford, 1866-2012Series XIX: Federation History
History/Presidents/information compiled re video interviews of presidents, 2000, 2000 Box 19 Bookmark Collection Context Jewish Historical Society of Greater Hartford Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford, 1866-2012Series XIX: Federation History
History/Presidents/Miscellaneous information regarding Federation Presidents, 1944-present. Includes several copies of Presidents Invitational Dinner Program, 2000 that highlights achievements of each president's administration., 1944-2010 Box 19 Bookmark Collection Context Jewish Historical Society of Greater Hartford Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford, 1866-2012Series XIX: Federation History
Irving Bernstein, 1st National young Leadership conference, the case for 1978, 1978 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Jewish Historical Society of Greater Hartford Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford, 1866-2012Audiotape Series I:
JCRC/Annual meeting, 1958, 1958 Box 16 Bookmark Collection Context Jewish Historical Society of Greater Hartford Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford, 1866-2012Photo Series XVI: Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC)
JCRC/Board, undated Box 30 Bookmark Collection Context Jewish Historical Society of Greater Hartford Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford, 1866-2012Series XXX: (JCRC): A - H, including Holocaust Commemorations
JCRC/Church-state separation, 1993, 1993 Box 30 Bookmark Collection Context Jewish Historical Society of Greater Hartford Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford, 1866-2012Series XXX: (JCRC): A - H, including Holocaust Commemorations