The collection documents the history of the Jesuit missions in Mexico. Letters by the padres, the Visitador Alvaro Flores de Sierra, and military leaders discuss the Seri Indian attacks on the missions and the need for military protection. Documents addressed to Juan de Yturberoaga, Procurador of the Province of New Spain, concern the distribution of supplies to the missions and their administration. Material also describes the difficulty of transporting cattle in the region.
Aribetzi 3 ALS to Juan de Yturberoaga with lists of supplies needed 7p., docketed 31 cm. Concerning accounts and supplies. Thanks Yturberoaga for sending European newspapers and asks for spectacles for his failing eyesight.
N[uestr]a S[enor]a de los Dolores [Sonora, Mexico] ALS to Juan de Yturberoaga 3p., docketed 30 cm. Concerns accounts. Would like help at his mission in order to generate income for the province.
N[uestr]a S[enor]a de los Dolores [Sonora, Mexico] ADS with list of supplies needed for 1709 2p. with separate docket sheet 31 cm. Also signed by Melchor de Bartyromo. Concerns accounts. Accompanied by list of the missions from which Yturberoaga receivedmemorias for 1709.
Banamitzi [i.e. Benamichi, Sonora, Mexico] ALS to Juan de Yturberoaga with list of supplies needed for the district of Babiacora [i.e. Bavicora] for 1709 3p., docketed 30-30.5 cm. Claims that his mission is not responsible for certain debts.
[1749? n.p.] 4p., docketed 30.5 cm. Detailed information concerning the many obstacles to transporting cattle. According to the docket, the author is the Provincial.