3. "Charles W. Eliot as an Educational Leader," U.S. Intellectual and Cultural History course (Schlesinger, Sr.), December 22, 1932 Box 1, Folder 2 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives James William Fesler papers, 1918-1991…
3. "Federal Department Experience," and "Federal Department Procedure," Chapters V and VIII of National Resources Committee Regional Factors in National Planning and Development, (December 1935) Box 1, Folder 3 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives James William Fesler papers, 1918-1991…
3. Ibid., July 5, 1944 Box 1, Folder 6 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives James William Fesler papers, 1918-1991…
3. (JWF, rapporteur) "Draft Report: Size of Areas and Number of Tiers for Field Administration and Local Government," at UN Group meeting, Geneva, October 23, 1961. Box 1, Folder 10 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives James William Fesler papers, 1918-1991…
3. "National Water Resources Administration," in Stephen K. Smith and Emery N. Castle (eds.), Economics and Public Policy in Water Resources Development (Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University Press, 1964), pp. 368-402 (updated revision of 1957 article of same title). Box 1, Folder 11 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives James William Fesler papers, 1918-1991…
3. "Reflections of a Civil Servant," The Bureaucrat 16 (Summer 1987), pp. 3-5. Box 1, Folder 14 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives James William Fesler papers, 1918-1991…
3. Remarks in "A Mini-Symposium: President Nixon's Proposals for Executive Reorganization," Public Administration Review 34 (September/October 1974), pp. 490-491. Box 1, Folder 12 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives James William Fesler papers, 1918-1991…
3. "Some Reflections on Administrative Organization," lecture for government executives of Vietnam, August 16, 1956 (processed). Box 1, Folder 8 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives James William Fesler papers, 1918-1991…
3. "Standardization of Federal Administrative Regions," Social Forces , 13 (October 1936), pp. 12-21 Box 1, Folder 4 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives James William Fesler papers, 1918-1991…
3. "The Independence of State Utilities Commissions," Journal of Politics , 2 (November 1940), pp. 367-390, and 3 (February 1941), pp. 42-66. Box 1, Folder 5 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives James William Fesler papers, 1918-1991…