4. "Security" (with D A. Weiss), course paper (Mitrany), March 1933 Box 1, Folder 2 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives James William Fesler papers, 1918-1991…
4. "The Case Method in Political Science," in Edwin A. Bock (ed.), Essays on the Case Method in Public Administration (Brussels: International Institute of Administrative Sciences, 1962), pp. 65-88. Box 1, Folder 10 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives James William Fesler papers, 1918-1991…
4. "The Editors Interview James W. Fesler," New England Journal of Human Services 2 (Fall 1982), pp. 6-12. Box 1, Folder 13 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives James William Fesler papers, 1918-1991…
4. "The Higher Public Service in Western Europe," in Ralph Clark Chandler (ed.), A Centennial History of the American Administrative State (New York: Free Press, 1987), pp. 509-539. Box 1, Folder 14 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives James William Fesler papers, 1918-1991…
4. "The History of the War Production Board: From Monographs to a General History," in "Condensed Minutes, Conference of Historical Officers, Sponsored by Committee on Records of War Administration, Committee on War Studies," December 8, 1944, pp. 20-29 (processed). Box 1, Folder 6 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives James William Fesler papers, 1918-1991…
4. "The Role of America's Loyal Opposition" (with Adlai Stevenson and William Miller), WTIC "Yale Reports" radio broadcast, May 3, 1959 Box 1, Folder 9 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives James William Fesler papers, 1918-1991…
5. "Approaches to the Understanding of Decentralization," Journal of Politics 27 (August 1965), pp. 536-566. Box 1, Folder 11 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives James William Fesler papers, 1918-1991…
5. "Federal Administrative Regions," American Political Science Review , 30 (April 1936) pp. 257-268. Box 1, Folder 3 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives James William Fesler papers, 1918-1991…
5. "Introduction," remarks opening the 2-day program on "The Campus and the Public Service," National Academy of Public Administration, November 19, 1987 (typescript). Box 1, Folder 14 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives James William Fesler papers, 1918-1991…
5. Introduction to JWF-edited "Government and Water Resources: A Symposium," American Political Science Review 45 (December 1951), pp. 575-649, at pp. 575-576. Box 1, Folder 7 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives James William Fesler papers, 1918-1991…