Correspondence; including that with Timothy Dwight, Samuel Drake A. Harkness, and Theodore Dwight., 1875 Box 2, Folder 11 Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut Museum of Culture and History James Hammond Trumbull Papers., 1821 - 1914untitled
Correspondence; including that with Washington Matthews, Charles Hart, and Henry Adams., June - December 1871 Box 2, Folder 7 Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut Museum of Culture and History James Hammond Trumbull Papers., 1821 - 1914untitled
Correspondence; including that with W.B. Trask, Curtis Noyes, and John Boyd., June - October 1859 Box 1, Folder 10 Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut Museum of Culture and History James Hammond Trumbull Papers., 1821 - 1914untitled
Correspondence; including that with William Buckingham, George Moore, Gideon Welles, and Richard Wheeler., January - June 1863 Box 1, Folder 17 Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut Museum of Culture and History James Hammond Trumbull Papers., 1821 - 1914untitled
Correspondence; including that with William Fowler, W.H. Whitmore, and Franklin Dexter., 1874 Box 2, Folder 10 Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut Museum of Culture and History James Hammond Trumbull Papers., 1821 - 1914untitled
Correspondence; including that with William Wells and Henry Stiles., 1856 Box 1, Folder 5 Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut Museum of Culture and History James Hammond Trumbull Papers., 1821 - 1914untitled
Correspondence; including that with William Wheeler, John Ward Dean, and D.C. Gilman., 1866-1867 Box 1, Folder 21 Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut Museum of Culture and History James Hammond Trumbull Papers., 1821 - 1914untitled
Draft of book on early New England customs: chapters I-III., 1841-1897 Box 8, Folder 4 Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut Museum of Culture and History James Hammond Trumbull Papers., 1821 - 1914untitled
Draft of book on early New England customs: chapters IV; X., 1841-1897 Box 8, Folder 5 Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut Museum of Culture and History James Hammond Trumbull Papers., 1821 - 1914untitled
Draft of book on early New England customs: chapters IX-X., 1841-1897 Box 8, Folder 7 Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut Museum of Culture and History James Hammond Trumbull Papers., 1821 - 1914untitled