"Addressing the Greenhouse Effect: A Strategy for Preventing Global Climate Change", 1989 May- Box 18, Folder 27 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives James Gustave Speth papers, 1968-2009World Resources Institute, 1972-2012
Address to United Nations Development Programme staff, 1993 July- Box 69, Folder 4 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives James Gustave Speth papers, 1968-2009United Nations Development Programme, 1971-2010Speeches, papers, and statements
Administration and budgetary concerns, 1998- Box 51, Folder 32 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives James Gustave Speth papers, 1968-2009United Nations Development Programme, 1971-2010General files
Administrative Committee on Coordination, 1996-1997 Box 41, Folder 39 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives James Gustave Speth papers, 1968-2009United Nations Development Programme, 1971-2010General files
Administrative Committee on Coordination (ACC) and Consultative Committee on Programme and Operations Questions (CCPOQ) working group memorandum, 1997 September 10- Box 47, Folder 3-4 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives James Gustave Speth papers, 1968-2009United Nations Development Programme, 1971-2010General files
Administrative committee on coordination guidance note for the resident coordinator system on field-level follow up to Global Conference, 1998 March- Box 67, Folder 1 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives James Gustave Speth papers, 1968-2009United Nations Development Programme, 1971-2010Resident coordinator program
Administrative position on Wirth Amendment to the priority energy project bill, 1979-1980 Box 7, Folder 3 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives James Gustave Speth papers, 1968-2009Council on Environmental Quality, 1975-1990
Administrator packet, 1999 February- Box 53, Folder 23 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives James Gustave Speth papers, 1968-2009United Nations Development Programme, 1971-2010General files
Administrators briefing note number 2, 1995 June- Box 35, Folder 15 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives James Gustave Speth papers, 1968-2009United Nations Development Programme, 1971-2010General files
Administrators calls for halt in sales to Africa press release, 1999 February 4- Box 53, Folder 18 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives James Gustave Speth papers, 1968-2009United Nations Development Programme, 1971-2010General files