Danbury State Fair, Danbury Day Ribbon, 1980 Box OS 3 Bookmark Collection Context Western Connecticut State University Archives and Special Collections James E. Dyer Papers, 1908-2010, bulk bulk…
Danbury State Fair: JD Aboard Danbury Fair Train (one 4x6 color photo and Gate Pass), 1981 Box 39, Folder 20 Bookmark Collection Context Western Connecticut State University Archives and Special Collections James E. Dyer Papers, 1908-2010, bulk bulk…
Danbury State Fair Last Day, October 12, 1981, for Time Magazine (one 8x10 b/w), 1981 Box 39, Folder 21 Bookmark Collection Context Western Connecticut State University Archives and Special Collections James E. Dyer Papers, 1908-2010, bulk bulk…
DANBURY; Three Hundred Years of Change and Growth by Truman Warner (Signed by T.Clark Hull,Steve Collins,Gertrude Braun,Imogene Heireth,BEC?) 2 copies, 1983 Box 65, Folder 6 Bookmark Collection Context Western Connecticut State University Archives and Special Collections James E. Dyer Papers, 1908-2010, bulk bulk…
Danbury Town Guide, 1975, 1975 Box 4, Folder 10 Bookmark Collection Context Western Connecticut State University Archives and Special Collections James E. Dyer Papers, 1908-2010, bulk bulk…
Danbury Tricentennial Pursuit (board game), 1984-1985 Box OS 8 Bookmark Collection Context Western Connecticut State University Archives and Special Collections James E. Dyer Papers, 1908-2010, bulk bulk…
Danbury Viet Nam Memorial Dedication, JD Main Speaker (VHS), ca.1987 Box 91 Bookmark Collection Context Western Connecticut State University Archives and Special Collections James E. Dyer Papers, 1908-2010, bulk bulk…
DATAHR, The First Annual Dinner, June 20, 1983, 1983 Box 65, Folder 7 Bookmark Collection Context Western Connecticut State University Archives and Special Collections James E. Dyer Papers, 1908-2010, bulk bulk…
Davis+Geck Ad, 1981 Box OS 12 Bookmark Collection Context Western Connecticut State University Archives and Special Collections James E. Dyer Papers, 1908-2010, bulk bulk…
D.C. Convention to replace Eagleton; Sargent Shriver at podium (two 5x7 b/w), 1972 Box 39, Folder 6 Bookmark Collection Context Western Connecticut State University Archives and Special Collections James E. Dyer Papers, 1908-2010, bulk bulk…