Smith, Charles, 1861 October 29 Box 2, Folder 93 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives James E. Babb Memorial collection, 1847-1942CORRESPONDENCE, 1860-1942Charles J. Tinkham
Special Field Orders, No. 134, by Major-General Halleck, 1862 June 29 Box 3, Folder 105 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives James E. Babb Memorial collection, 1847-1942WRITINGS AND MEMORABILIA, 1735-1940Civil War Documents
Special Order, No. 185, by General Rosecrans, 1862 July 19 Box 3, Folder 108 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives James E. Babb Memorial collection, 1847-1942WRITINGS AND MEMORABILIA, 1735-1940Civil War Documents
Special Order, No. 28, by General Stanley, 1862 June 10 Box 3, Folder 104 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives James E. Babb Memorial collection, 1847-1942WRITINGS AND MEMORABILIA, 1735-1940Civil War Documents
Special Order, No. 62, by General Stanley, 1862 September 10 Box 3, Folder 114 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives James E. Babb Memorial collection, 1847-1942WRITINGS AND MEMORABILIA, 1735-1940Civil War Documents
Speech: fragment from an Address by William E. Borah, 1918 February 5 Box 4, Folder 149 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives James E. Babb Memorial collection, 1847-1942WRITINGS AND MEMORABILIA, 1735-1940Memorabilia
Speech: On the history of Idaho, by C. E. Arney, 1940 June 7 Box 4, Folder 157 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives James E. Babb Memorial collection, 1847-1942WRITINGS AND MEMORABILIA, 1735-1940Memorabilia
Speech: "Science vs. Evolution," by William Jennings Bryan, 1923 April 13 Box 4, Folder 156 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives James E. Babb Memorial collection, 1847-1942WRITINGS AND MEMORABILIA, 1735-1940Memorabilia
Speech to the soldiers of the 26th Illinois Volunteers, undated Box 3, Folder 121 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives James E. Babb Memorial collection, 1847-1942WRITINGS AND MEMORABILIA, 1735-1940Civil War Documents
Spencer, Herbert R., 1930-1930 Box 2, Folder 60 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives James E. Babb Memorial collection, 1847-1942CORRESPONDENCE, 1860-1942James E. Babb