"The National Health Program and Some Implications for South Carolina," Annual Conference of Social Work, Columbia: text, 1939 November 1 Box 161, Folder 2357 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Isidore Sydney Falk papers, 1918-1984Writings, 1922-1980Speeches
"The National Health Program," Association of Women in Public Health, Pittsburgh: outline and program, 1939 October 16 Box 161, Folder 2356 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Isidore Sydney Falk papers, 1918-1984Writings, 1922-1980Speeches
"The National Health Program," New York Women's Trade Union League: text, 1938 October 1 Box 161, Folder 2349 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Isidore Sydney Falk papers, 1918-1984Writings, 1922-1980Speeches
"The New Haven Community Health Care Center Plan: A Group Practice Proposal," American Management Association, New York: correspondence, evaluation forms and outline, 1970 June 12 Box 164, Folder 2449 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Isidore Sydney Falk papers, 1918-1984Writings, 1922-1980Speeches
"The New Social Security Program," Proceedings of the Hospital Association of Pennsylvania, 1943 April 15-1943 April 16 Box 168, Folder 2549 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Isidore Sydney Falk papers, 1918-1984Writings, 1922-1980Reprints
"The Opportunities for Comprehensive Group Practice Organizations Within National Health Insurance," American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.: drafts of text and reprint, 1977 November 1 Box 166, Folder 2483 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Isidore Sydney Falk papers, 1918-1984Writings, 1922-1980Speeches
"The Organization and Financing of Health Services," Medical Administrators Conference, New Haven: attendance list and annotated outline, 1971 March 16 Box 165, Folder 2458 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Isidore Sydney Falk papers, 1918-1984Writings, 1922-1980Speeches
"Theories on the Mechanism of Bacterial Agglutination," Chicago Pathology Society: outline, notes and program, 1924 November 10 Box 161, Folder 2338 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Isidore Sydney Falk papers, 1918-1984Writings, 1922-1980Speeches
"The Place of Vital Statistics in Public Health Training," American Journal of Public Health, 1924 June Box 167, Folder 2491 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Isidore Sydney Falk papers, 1918-1984Writings, 1922-1980Reprints
"The Present Status of the Community Health Care Center," New Haven Medical Association: background material, notes and outline, 1971 May 5 Box 165, Folder 2462 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Isidore Sydney Falk papers, 1918-1984Writings, 1922-1980Speeches