Sault Ste. Marie (Ontario) and District Group Health Association: general data, 1961-1962, undated Box 115, Folder 1383 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Isidore Sydney Falk papers, 1918-1984Professional Activities, 1919-1979United Steelworkers of AmericaWorking Papers1961-1973
Saunders,(W. B.) and Company, 1934, 1938 Box 23, Folder 473 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Isidore Sydney Falk papers, 1918-1984General Correspondence, 1923-1983
Saward, Ernest W., 1967-1978 Box 23, Folder 474 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Isidore Sydney Falk papers, 1918-1984General Correspondence, 1923-1983
Sawyer, William A., 1959-1960 Box 23, Folder 475 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Isidore Sydney Falk papers, 1918-1984General Correspondence, 1923-1983
Schaffer, Gloria, 1968-1968 Box 130, Folder 1831 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Isidore Sydney Falk papers, 1918-1984Professional Activities, 1919-1979Community Health Care Center Plan, Inc.Correspondence
Schapper, M.B., 1934-1934 Box 42, Folder 218 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Isidore Sydney Falk papers, 1918-1984Professional Activities, 1919-1979Committee on Economic SecurityCorrespondence
Schedule and background material, 1973 September 6-1973 December 6 Box 125, Folder 1713 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Isidore Sydney Falk papers, 1918-1984Professional Activities, 1919-1979Yale University, Department of Epidemiology and Public HealthCourse Materials, Post 1968Department of Epidemiology and Public HealthSocial Medicine 110A
Schedule and correspondence, 1970 May-1970 August Box 125, Folder 1702 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Isidore Sydney Falk papers, 1918-1984Professional Activities, 1919-1979Yale University, Department of Epidemiology and Public HealthCourse Materials, Post 1968Department of Epidemiology and Public HealthSocial Medicine 110A
Schedule and correspondence, 1974 October-1974 December Box 125, Folder 1715 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Isidore Sydney Falk papers, 1918-1984Professional Activities, 1919-1979Yale University, Department of Epidemiology and Public HealthCourse Materials, Post 1968Department of Epidemiology and Public HealthIntroduction to Health Services 170A
Schedule and correspondence, 1976 January-1976 May Box 126, Folder 1721 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Isidore Sydney Falk papers, 1918-1984Professional Activities, 1919-1979Yale University, Department of Epidemiology and Public HealthCourse Materials, Post 1968Department of Epidemiology and Public HealthSociology of Health Care 275B