Notes and summaries re: Japan Mission, 1947-1948 Box 49, Folder 339 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Isidore Sydney Falk papers, 1918-1984Professional Activities, 1919-1979Social Security Administration, Bureau of Research and StatisticsCongressional InvestigationsCommittee on Expenditures in the Executive Departments, Subcommittee on Publicity and Propaganda (Harness Committee)General papers
Notes and tables, 1956, undated Box 97, Folder 1088 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Isidore Sydney Falk papers, 1918-1984Professional Activities, 1919-1979International Bank for Reconstruction and DevelopmentRepublic of PanamaSurvey materialsMinistry of Labor, Social Welfare and Public HealthDepartment of Social Welfare
Notes and tables re: dental clinics, 1957-1957 Box 101, Folder 1147 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Isidore Sydney Falk papers, 1918-1984Professional Activities, 1919-1979Canal Zone Government (Panama)Survey MaterialsHealth BureauDentistry
Notes and tables re: dental survey, 1956-1957 Box 101, Folder 1146 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Isidore Sydney Falk papers, 1918-1984Professional Activities, 1919-1979Canal Zone Government (Panama)Survey MaterialsHealth BureauDentistry
Notes and tables re: old age and invalidity, 1955-1956, undated Box 97, Folder 1081 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Isidore Sydney Falk papers, 1918-1984Professional Activities, 1919-1979International Bank for Reconstruction and DevelopmentRepublic of PanamaSurvey materialsMinistry of Labor, Social Welfare and Public HealthDepartment of Social Security
Notes and tables re: voluntary health insurance estimates, 1950 August 2 Box 80, Folder 877 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Isidore Sydney Falk papers, 1918-1984Professional Activities, 1919-1979Social Security Administration, Bureau of Research and StatisticsResearch and Planning FilesVoluntary insurance
Notes, charts, and reports re:grants-in-aid, 1954-1954 Box 87, Folder 973 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Isidore Sydney Falk papers, 1918-1984Professional Activities, 1919-1979International Bank for Reconstruction and DevelopmentMalaya and SingaporeSurvey materialsMalayaSocial welfare
"Notes for Discussion With Labor Research Directors", 1940-1950 Box 161, Folder 2378 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Isidore Sydney Falk papers, 1918-1984Writings, 1922-1980Speeches
Notes (I.S.F.), 1960-1960 Box 159, Folder 2315 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Isidore Sydney Falk papers, 1918-1984Subject and Organization Files, 1931-1980Forand Bill and Related Bills
Notes (I.S.F.) and article re: Blueprint for the Nationalization of Medicine (M. Shearon) 1947, 1947 January-1947 May Box 50, Folder 373 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Isidore Sydney Falk papers, 1918-1984Professional Activities, 1919-1979Social Security Administration, Bureau of Research and StatisticsCongressional InvestigationsSenate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, Subcommittee on Health (Taft-Donnell Committee)Background material