Statement at Hearings on Revenua Act of 1941 ), 1941-1941 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Irving Fisher papers, 1861-1976, bulk 1894-1947MICROFILM INVENTORYEconomic Essays, Vol. XX: "Income Tax & Miscl.", 1932-1946
Statement before Committee on Banking and Currency, 1913-1913 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Irving Fisher papers, 1861-1976, bulk 1894-1947MICROFILM INVENTORYEconomic Essays, Vol. VI: "General Economics", 1913 June 1-1918 January 1General Publications
Statement before Com. on Banking & Currency, 72nd Congress, , Govt. Printing Office, 1932 March 28-291932 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Irving Fisher papers, 1861-1976, bulk 1894-1947MICROFILM INVENTORYEconomic Essays, Vol. XVIII: "Reflation" (, 1931-1933
Statement before Com. on Ways & Means, , 72nd Congress, Govt. Printing Office, 1932 April 27, 28, 291932 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Irving Fisher papers, 1861-1976, bulk 1894-1947MICROFILM INVENTORYEconomic Essays, Vol. XVIII: "Reflation" (, 1931-1933
"Statement before Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee", 1909-1909 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Irving Fisher papers, 1861-1976, bulk 1894-1947MICROFILM INVENTORYHygienic Essays, Vol. I, to 1909 December 31Health in general
Statement Concerning 68° temperature urged by Fuel Administration ( Wash. Times ), 1917-1917 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Irving Fisher papers, 1861-1976, bulk 1894-1947MICROFILM INVENTORYHygienic Essays, Vol. III, 1913 June 1-1917 December 31Public health movementIndividual and Domestic Hygiene
Statement concerning brewers and German-American organization in answer to Whidden Graham' s questions in 1918 Apr 27 issue of N.H. Journal Courier Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Irving Fisher papers, 1861-1976, bulk 1894-1947MICROFILM INVENTORYHygienic Essays, Vol. V, 1918 January 1-1922 January 1Prohibition, Alcohol, and Tobacco1918-1918
Statement concerning Immigration after the War ( Social Service Review ), 1915-1915 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Irving Fisher papers, 1861-1976, bulk 1894-1947MICROFILM INVENTORYHygienic Essays, Vol. III, 1913 June 1-1917 December 31Public health movementEugenics
Statement concerning Race Deterioration in America ( Beacon , Wichita, Kansas), 1916-1916 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Irving Fisher papers, 1861-1976, bulk 1894-1947MICROFILM INVENTORYHygienic Essays, Vol. III, 1913 June 1-1917 December 31Public health movementEugenics
Statement endorsing Community Chest ( Enquirer , Cleveland, Ohio), 1931 April 8 Box 4 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Irving Fisher papers, 1861-1976, bulk 1894-1947MICROFILM INVENTORYEconomic Essays, Vol. XVI: "General", 1921-1931General