Separate reprint of same, 1913-1913 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Irving Fisher papers, 1861-1976, bulk 1894-1947MICROFILM INVENTORYEconomic Essays, Vol. VIII: "High Cost of Living", 1913 June 1-1920 January 1Causes of the high cost of livingThe Monetary Side of the Cost of Living Problem ( Annals of Amer. Acad. of Polit. & Social Sciences ), 1913-1913
Separate reprint of same, 1914-1914 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Irving Fisher papers, 1861-1976, bulk 1894-1947MICROFILM INVENTORYEconomic Essays, Vol. IX: "Stabilizing the Dollar", 1913 June 1-1919 January 1General publicationsObjections to a Compensated Dollar Answered (reprinted from American Economic Rev. ), 1914-1914
Separate reprint of same, 1914-1914 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Irving Fisher papers, 1861-1976, bulk 1894-1947MICROFILM INVENTORYHygienic Essays, Vol. III, 1913 June 1-1917 December 31Public health movementIndividual and Domestic HygieneLife Extension InstituteAddress at Annual Banquet of Insurance Institute of Hartford, Conn. ( Hartford Post ), 1914-1914
Separate reprint of same, 1915-1915 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Irving Fisher papers, 1861-1976, bulk 1894-1947MICROFILM INVENTORYEconomic Essays, Vol. VI: "General Economics", 1913 June 1-1918 January 1General PublicationsThe Equation of Exchange for 1914 and the War ( Amer[ican] Economic Review ), 1915-1915
Separate reprint of same, 1916-1916 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Irving Fisher papers, 1861-1976, bulk 1894-1947MICROFILM INVENTORYEconomic Essays, Vol. VI: "General Economics", 1913 June 1-1918 January 1General PublicationsSome Impending National Problems ( Journal of Political Economy ), 1916-1916
Separate reprint of same, 1916-1916 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Irving Fisher papers, 1861-1976, bulk 1894-1947MICROFILM INVENTORYEconomic Essays, Vol. VI: "General Economics", 1913 June 1-1918 January 1General PublicationsThe Equation of Exchange for 1915 ( Amer. Economic Review ), 1916-1916
Separate reprint of same, 1916-1916 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Irving Fisher papers, 1861-1976, bulk 1894-1947MICROFILM INVENTORYEconomic Essays, Vol. VI: "General Economics", 1913 June 1-1918 January 1General PublicationsThe Rate of Interest After the War ( Annals of the Amer. Academy of Political and Social Science ), 1916-1916
Separate reprint of same, 1916-1916 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Irving Fisher papers, 1861-1976, bulk 1894-1947MICROFILM INVENTORYEconomic Essays, Vol. VI: "General Economics", 1913 June 1-1918 January 1General PublicationsThe Rate of Interest After the War ( Annals of the Amer. Academy of Political and Social Science ), 1916-1916
Separate reprint of same, 1916-1916 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Irving Fisher papers, 1861-1976, bulk 1894-1947MICROFILM INVENTORYHygienic Essays, Vol. III, 1913 June 1-1917 December 31Public health movementEugenicsWar, Immigration, Eugenics: Third Report of the Committee on Immigration, Amer. Genetic Ass. ( Journal of Heredity ), 1916-1916
Separate reprint of same, 1917-1917 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Irving Fisher papers, 1861-1976, bulk 1894-1947MICROFILM INVENTORYEconomic Essays, Vol. VIII: "High Cost of Living", 1913 June 1-1920 January 1Causes of the high cost of livingOur Yellow Peril ( The Financier ), 1917-1917