Smith, John, 1735-1816 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Humphreys-Marvin-Olmstead collection, 1776-1867…
Smith, William ILoughton], 1758-1812 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Humphreys-Marvin-Olmstead collection, 1776-1867…
Smith, William [Loughton], 1758-1812 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Humphreys-Marvin-Olmstead collection, 1776-1867…
Smith, William Loughton, 1758-1812 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Humphreys-Marvin-Olmstead collection, 1776-1867…
Statement of account of Abigail Deborah Ely [Mrs. Henry M. Gregory], 1813-1879, with J[ohn?] C[ard?] Selden, 1855-1865 Box 5, Folder 198 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Humphreys-Marvin-Olmstead collection, 1776-1867…
Statement of account with J[ohn?] C[ard?] Selden, b. 1825, 1855-1865 Box 5, Folder 198 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Humphreys-Marvin-Olmstead collection, 1776-1867…
Statement re letter of [John?] Armstrong, 1758-1843, about the purchase of Florida by the United States, with a covering memorandum of the same date, 1808 April 25 Box 4, Folder 116 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Humphreys-Marvin-Olmstead collection, 1776-1867…
Steward, Dr. J. L Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Humphreys-Marvin-Olmstead collection, 1776-1867…
Story of General Peleg Wadsworth, 1748-1830. 50 pp. Unidentified holograph, possibly that of Benjamin Woolsey Dwight, 1780-1850, with interlined corrections in hand of Timothy Dwight, 1752-1817. Early draft of part of Dwight's narrative of a "Journey to the White Mountains," published in Volume II of his Travels in New England and New York (New Haven, 1821-1822), letters XVIII XIX. [Cited by William D. Williamson in his... (2 vols., Hallowell, [Me.] 1832), II, 496, as "Narrative of General Wadsworth's imprisonment."], [post-1802?] Box 7, Folder 285 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Humphreys-Marvin-Olmstead collection, 1776-1867…
St. Vincent, John Jervis, Earl of, 1735-1823 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Humphreys-Marvin-Olmstead collection, 1776-1867…