Copy of "Instructions addressees 1e 30 Thermidor an 7 a 1'Ambassadeur de la Republic a Madrid, pour etre communiquees a nos Agens Consulaires en Espagne. Dispositions politiques de 1a France a 1'egard des Etas Unis d'Amerique", [1799 August 17] Box 4, Folder 114 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Humphreys-Marvin-Olmstead collection, 1776-1867…
Copy of letter from D. Humphreys, 1797 November 28 Box 2, Folder 41 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Humphreys-Marvin-Olmstead collection, 1776-1867…
Copy of letter from D. Humphreys, 1802 February 1 Box 2, Folder 42 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Humphreys-Marvin-Olmstead collection, 1776-1867…
Copy of letter from John Trumbull, 1800 July Box 7, Folder 287 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Humphreys-Marvin-Olmstead collection, 1776-1867…
Copy of letter to [Francois, Marquis de Barbe-]Marbois, 1745-1837, with an undated memorandum on verso [by George W. Erving?] concerning the purchase of Florida by the United States, [pre-1803 May 3] Box 5, Folder 165 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Humphreys-Marvin-Olmstead collection, 1776-1867…
Copy of letter to R[obert] R. Livingston and J[ames] M[onroe], dated "14 Floreal An, 11", [1803 May 3] Box 5, Folder 165 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Humphreys-Marvin-Olmstead collection, 1776-1867…
Copy of letter to Thomas Jefferson, 1743-1826, enclosing: (1) "General principles & construction of a Sub-marine Vessel" and "Description of a Magazine, & its appendages, designed to be conveyed by the Submarine Vessel to the bottom of a Ship;" (2) "Experiments made to prove the nature and use of a Submarine Vessel.", 1787 October 13 Box 4, Folder 143 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Humphreys-Marvin-Olmstead collection, 1776-1867…
Copy of letter, with enclosure, to D. Humphreys, 1798 February 19 Box 2, Folder 46 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Humphreys-Marvin-Olmstead collection, 1776-1867…
Copy of memorandum entitled: "Cases of Violation of the Spanish territory by the French, transmitted with the General Representation dated the 24th January 1801"; "Vessels of the United States finally condemned by the Council of War"; "Claims for damages now depending [before the Council of War].", [1802 January 1] Box 4, Folder 116 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Humphreys-Marvin-Olmstead collection, 1776-1867…
Copy of petition to U.S. Senate, with a list of "American Vessels captured by the Corsaires of Algiers in consequence of the Peace with Spain in 1785, and the Truce with Portugal in 1793.", 1793 December 29 Box 4, Folder 112 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Humphreys-Marvin-Olmstead collection, 1776-1867…