Volume: Claim of Belgium to the treasure of the Order of the Golden Fleece: report of the committee of three jurists, 1870-1943 Box 1, Reel 1U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Hugh Aiken Bayne papers, 1870-1943Documents concerning international arbitration commissions
Volume: Claim of Belgium to the Triptych of St. Ildephonse: report of the committee of three jurists, 1921-1921 Box 2, Reel 1U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Hugh Aiken Bayne papers, 1870-1943Documents concerning international arbitration commissions
Volume II: The War-Life in Paris-Home Again, 1870-1943 Box 4, Reel 2U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Hugh Aiken Bayne papers, 1870-1943Memoirs
Volume I, Part 1 (p.1-236): Index-Ancestors-Life in New Orleans, 1870-1898 Box 3, Reel 2U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Hugh Aiken Bayne papers, 1870-1943Memoirs
Volume I, Part 2 (p. 237-473): Life at Yale-Life in New York-Emily-Miscellaneous, 1870-1943 Box 3, Reel 2U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Hugh Aiken Bayne papers, 1870-1943Memoirs
Volume: (Part I): Decision of Hugh A. Bayne, arbiter of two questions submitted by the council of ambassadors, 1922-1923 Box 1, Reel 1U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Hugh Aiken Bayne papers, 1870-1943Documents concerning international arbitration commissions
Volume: (Part III): S. S. Eduardo Musil arbitration between France and Italy, 1922-1923 Box 1, Reel 1U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Hugh Aiken Bayne papers, 1870-1943Documents concerning international arbitration commissions
Volume: (Part II): Standard Oil Company tankers arbitration between the United States and the reparation commission, 1926-1926 Box 1, Reel 1U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Hugh Aiken Bayne papers, 1870-1943Documents concerning international arbitration commissions
Volume: Three international arbitrations, 1870-1943 Box 2, Reel 1U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Hugh Aiken Bayne papers, 1870-1943Documents concerning international arbitration commissions
Writings by Hugh A. Bayne Box 7, Folder 27, Reel 3U Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Hugh Aiken Bayne papers, 1870-1943Papers removed from Bayne's Yale scrapbooks, 1870-1943