Topics: Pilgrims and exiles; Prepare for temptation; Promises to keep; Reconciliation in a broken world; Religion in the technological revolution [Science, technology and faith]; Sermon on the mount ; A Sense of urgency; The Surrender that is victory; That the light ... be not darkness; Tradition/renewal
Topics: Anxiety/faith; Authority/freedom; Beware; Calvary:then and now; Choices; Christ; The Christian and the world; The Christian faith in a world of crises; Christian families in the social and political revolution; A Christian looks at the Arab-Israeli conflict; Christian social responsibility; Christian witness in a revolutionary world; Church today; The Conquest of death; Detachment/involvement; An End and a beginning; Evangelizing in an age of crisis; Evil, suffering, and a good God; Faith, money and stewardship; Freedom; God is love; Gott ist Liebe; Human suffering and divine love; Involved in mankind; Learning and faith; Look backward -look forward -look upward; Lukas-Johannes (6 folders; includes both Gospel of John and epistle I John); Means and ends; Meeting the crisis in Christian leadership; Organization man; Organization man/God's man; Our Christian witness in an age of revolution; Palm Sunday Pentecost and renewal (2 folders)
The following is material from courses taught at Andover Newton (1939/40-1950/51) and at Assumption College. As far as possible the material is arranged in the order of the syllabus "Christian Social Ethics: A brief outline of the course" (in Social Ethics -- Course Outlines file).
Fletcher creates controversy (no date or source); Evangelicals confess an incomplete gospel (no date or source); Dr. Fletcher and the Ten Commandments (Tropic,12/10/67); What price silence (Parade/Boston Globe, 2/11/68);Seminary professors spar on "situation ethics"([1970]); Problems and concepts which the church must face in its healing ministry (Grist, July 1973)