Pencil, 12 1/4 x 18 5/8", rough sketch, unsigned. Caption written in pencil at foot of drawing over and above previously erased partially visible caption, with notation—could be in record shop—in lower left corner, and typed (including notation)on a slip attached to the drawing.
Pencil, 16 7/8 x 13 7/8", rough sketch, unsigned. Caption written in pencil at foot of drawing. Typed alternate caption—"God, but I'll be glad to get back to Akron and the elastic-band game."—on a slip attached to the drawing.
Pencil, 12 1/4 x 18 5/8", rough sketch, unsigned. Caption written in pencil at foot of drawing. Alternate caption—"What floor is the little Danforth child being married on?"—written in pencil on a slip attached to the drawing.
Black ink and gray wash over pencil, 13 1/2 x 9 7/8". Caption written in pencil at foot of drawing. Title—THE GIRLS By Helen E. Hokinson (her signature)- written in pencil at head of drawing.
Pencil, 13 7/8 x 17", unsigned. Caption written in pencil below figures on drawing, above notation—Bridge instead—and alternate caption at foot of drawing—"Has the scoring changed much in the last twenty years?"—with notation—Tennis—in lower left corner. See Series VII, drawing 18 for a version drawn for a cover.
Pencil, 15 x 20", rough sketch, unsigned. Caption written in pencil at foot of drawing over and above previously erased and partially visible captions, and typed on a slip attached to the drawing.
Pencil, 13 7/8 x 16 7/8", unsigned. Caption written in pencil at foot of drawing over previously erased caption, with notation—(possibly just one dog in picture)—and typed with slightly altered wording on slip attached to the drawing.
Pencil, 13 7/8 x 16 7/8", rough sketch, unsigned. Caption written in pencil at foot of drawing with alternate endings—tea set, love seat, secretary—in lower left corner, and typed on a slip attached to the drawing.
Pencil, 14 x 17 1/2", rough sketch, unsigned. Caption written in pencil at foot of drawing but partially obscured by remains of a slip previously pasted over it, and with remains of a typed alternate caption on a slip attached to the drawing.
Pencil, 12 x 18 3/4", rough sketch, unsigned. Caption written in pencil at foot of drawing above two alternate captions, with notation—In hotel lobby—in lower left corner, and notation—Miss Marion Dettinger Russell's adv. Dept.—in lower right corner.