International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT), 1990-2011 Box 907, Folder 11 Bookmark Collection Context Hartford International University Archives Hartford Seminary, 1981-2021Duncan Black Macdonald Center
Interviews of Students in W.L.I., 1997 Box SEM3, Folder 23 Bookmark Collection Context Hartford International University Archives Hartford Seminary, 1981-2021Educational ProgramsWomen's Leadership Institute (W.L.I.), 1996 - 2016
Interviews -- Strategic Planning, 1991-1992 1 folders Bookmark Collection Context Hartford International University Archives Hartford Seminary, 1981-2021Reports, Plans, and Profiles
Islam Past & Present: a two week study conference, June 6-17, 1983 Box SEM8, Folder 31 Bookmark Collection Context Hartford International University Archives Hartford Seminary, 1981-2021Duncan Black Macdonald Center
Jackson Carroll, 1976-1994 Box SEM2, Folder 52 Bookmark Collection Context Hartford International University Archives Hartford Seminary, 1981-2021Faculty & StaffJackson Carroll, PhD
Jackson Carroll, PhD Bookmark Collection Context Hartford International University Archives Hartford Seminary, 1981-2021Faculty & Staff
Jacqueline White Endowed Scholarship, 2009-2013 Box 907, Folder 9 Bookmark Collection Context Hartford International University Archives Hartford Seminary, 1981-2021Grants, Funds, Finance and BudgetsScholarship and Endowment Funds
Jane Smith Publications and Faculty Review, 1995-1999 1 folders Box SEM6, Folder 21 Bookmark Collection Context Hartford International University Archives Hartford Seminary, 1981-2021Faculty & Staff
Judy Chicago Exhibit, 1986-1988 1 folders Box SEM3, Folder 9 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Items in folder relate to the installation of Judy Chicago's piece, "Creation of the Universe." Other terms: "The Birth Process," "Guided by the Goddess," and "Through the Flower Project" view more view less Collection Context Hartford International University Archives Hartford Seminary, 1981-2021Events
Judy Fentress-Williams Review, 1999 Box SEM6, Folder 24 Bookmark Collection Context Hartford International University Archives Hartford Seminary, 1981-2021Faculty & Staff