Including: "Hispanic Influences on Worship in the English Tongue", 1987-1990 Box 14, Folder 128 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library H. Boone Porter Papers, 1940-2003, bulk 1954-1999Writings of HBP, 1951-1999Articles and essays
Including: "Holy Baptism: Christ's and Ours," "Liturgy in Northern Malaya," "The Law of the Prayer Book and the Authority of Worship," "Samuel Seabury: Bishop in a New Nation," and "The Ministers of the Distribution of Holy Communion", 1961-1969 Box 14, Folder 125 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library H. Boone Porter Papers, 1940-2003, bulk 1954-1999Writings of HBP, 1951-1999Articles and essays
Including: "Let the Children Sing Hosanna: The Palm Sunday Procession in the Early Middle Ages", 1999 Box 14, Folder 134 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library H. Boone Porter Papers, 1940-2003, bulk 1954-1999Writings of HBP, 1951-1999Articles and essays
Including: "The Celebration of the Eucharist," "Holy Baptism: Its Paschal and Ecumenical Setting," and "An American Assembly of Anaphoral Prayers", 1970-1981 Box 14, Folder 126 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library H. Boone Porter Papers, 1940-2003, bulk 1954-1999Writings of HBP, 1951-1999Articles and essays
Including: "The Liturgical Evidence Regarding the Origin of Albigensianism", 1951 Box 13, Folder 121 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library H. Boone Porter Papers, 1940-2003, bulk 1954-1999Writings of HBP, 1951-1999Articles and essays
Including: "The Origin of the Medieval Rite for Annointing the Sick or Dying," "The Eucharistic Piety of Justin Martyr," and "Sister Anne: Pioneer in Women's Work", 1956-1960 Box 14, Folder 123 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library H. Boone Porter Papers, 1940-2003, bulk 1954-1999Writings of HBP, 1951-1999Articles and essays
Including: "The Religious History of Waukesha County", 1984-1985 Box 14, Folder 127 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library H. Boone Porter Papers, 1940-2003, bulk 1954-1999Writings of HBP, 1951-1999Articles and essays
Including: "The Theophany Rites in the West," "Cosin's Hours of Prayer: A Liturgical Review," "Font and Sepulchre," and " Maxentius of Aquileia and the North Italian Baptismal Rites", 1952-1955 Box 13, Folder 122 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library H. Boone Porter Papers, 1940-2003, bulk 1954-1999Writings of HBP, 1951-1999Articles and essays
Including: "Truman Heminway: Priest-Farmer", 1961 Box 14, Folder 124 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library H. Boone Porter Papers, 1940-2003, bulk 1954-1999Writings of HBP, 1951-1999Articles and essays
Including: "Two Visions of Nature: Coleridge and Emerson" and "The Continuing Round of Worship: The Daily Office", 1994-1995 Box 14, Folder 132 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library H. Boone Porter Papers, 1940-2003, bulk 1954-1999Writings of HBP, 1951-1999Articles and essays