[Book of poems, unidentified, from Mildred Aldrich, given to the American Library in Paris], n.d. Box 139, Folder 3259 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas papers, 1837-1961…
Book pages inscribed by, or to Gertrude Stein, 1902-27, n.d. Box 139, Folder 3260 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas papers, 1837-1961…
Book pages signed by Leo Stein, 1889-1899 Box 139, Folder 3261 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas papers, 1837-1961…
Book pages, signed: by, or to Mildred Aldrich, by Eugene P. Ullman, by Mrs. M. D. Stein, and by Brantz Mayer, 1837-1905 Box 139, Folder 3262 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas papers, 1837-1961…
Bookplate: Gertrude Stein, n.d. Box 139, Folder 3263 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas papers, 1837-1961…
Bookplates: Leo D. Stein, n.d. Box 139, Folder 3264 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas papers, 1837-1961…
Bookstaver, May Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas papers, 1837-1961…
Book wrapper, n.d. Box 64, Folder 1124 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas papers, 1837-1961…
Borden, Macy, 1916, n.d. Box 98, Folder 1888 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas papers, 1837-1961…
Boschére, Jean de, 1941 Dec 17 Box 98, Folder 1889 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas papers, 1837-1961…