Lecture notes, 1927-1928 Box 78, Folder 1390 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives George Howard Edward Smith papers, 1917-1962STUDENT PAPERS, TEACHING MATERIALS AND PERSONAL PAPERS, 1917-1959Student papersUniversity of Michigan
Lecture notes, 1933-1944 Box 80, Folder 1417-1419 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives George Howard Edward Smith papers, 1917-1962STUDENT PAPERS, TEACHING MATERIALS AND PERSONAL PAPERS, 1917-1959Teaching materialYale University--New Haven Jr. College
Lectures and notes, 1949-1949 Box 80, Folder 1421 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives George Howard Edward Smith papers, 1917-1962STUDENT PAPERS, TEACHING MATERIALS AND PERSONAL PAPERS, 1917-1959Teaching materialU. S. Dept of AgricultureGraduate school, course outlines
Legislation enacted, 79-1, 1945-1945 Box 45, Folder 900 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives George Howard Edward Smith papers, 1917-1962SENATE REPUBLICAN POLICY COMMITTEE, 1932-1960Subject filesSpecial reference filesPatterns of Legislation: preamble study:
Legislation enacted, 79-2, 1945-1945 Box 45, Folder 901 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives George Howard Edward Smith papers, 1917-1962SENATE REPUBLICAN POLICY COMMITTEE, 1932-1960Subject filesSpecial reference filesPatterns of Legislation: preamble study:
Legislation not enacted, 79-1, 1945-1945 Box 45, Folder 902-905 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives George Howard Edward Smith papers, 1917-1962SENATE REPUBLICAN POLICY COMMITTEE, 1932-1960Subject filesSpecial reference filesPatterns of Legislation: preamble study:
Legislation not enacted, 79-2, 1946-1946 Box 45, Folder 906-907 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives George Howard Edward Smith papers, 1917-1962SENATE REPUBLICAN POLICY COMMITTEE, 1932-1960Subject filesSpecial reference filesPatterns of Legislation: preamble study:
Legislative budget, 1945-1949 Box 49, Folder 982-983 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives George Howard Edward Smith papers, 1917-1962SENATE REPUBLICAN POLICY COMMITTEE, 1932-1960Subject filesSpecial reference filesPolitical party platforms
Legislative Reorganization Act (1946) Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives George Howard Edward Smith papers, 1917-1962SENATE REPUBLICAN POLICY COMMITTEE, 1932-1960Subject filesGeneral
Legislative Reorganization Act (1946): Congressional Record, Daily Digest (*), 1946 March-1947 July Box 8, Folder 231-234 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives George Howard Edward Smith papers, 1917-1962SENATE REPUBLICAN POLICY COMMITTEE, 1932-1960General correspondence