Contains photocopied article "Hegemony" from book "Marxism and Literature" (no author listed); photocopied article "Imperialism in the Silicon Age" by A. Sivanadan; publication "Brooklyn Voice" Vol. 4, no. 6 (Aug./Sep. 1991), Vol. 5, no. 2 (April 1992); documents from class on "Fundamentals of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tsetung Thought;" clippings from the "Asian Times" (1992); pamphlet "Karl Marx & the Iroquois" by Franklin Rosemont; photocopied article from Z Magazine, June 1990: "The Third World at Home: Political Prisoners in the U.S." by Ward Churchill; Poster on political prisoners in the U.S., from "The International Tribunal on Human Rights Violations of Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War in the United States;" notes on atomic bombs and Marxist theory, by Fred Ho; photocopied article "A Critical Viewpoint on Rectification of Errors: Lysenko: Unfinished History" by Louis Althusser ("Marxism Today," February, 1977); Fred Ho's notes on "Three Faces of Marxism" by Wolfgang Leonhard; article "The Grundrisse as Social Theory: Link Between Young Marx and Mature Marx" by John E. Elliott; article "The United Front Against War and Fascism" by Georgi Dimitroff (1977; reprinted from 1935); notes by Fred Ho on Stalin's "Anarchism or Socialism;" article "The Struggle Against Revisionism" by Amado Guerrero; photocopied article "The Touchstone for Testing Genuine and Sham Marxism" by Tien Chih-sung; photocopied article "Capitalist-Roaders Are the Bourgeoisie Inside the Party" by Fang Kang; photocopied article "Expose Humbug in Struggle Against Imperialism" from the "N.Z. Communist Review;" photocopied article "On Exercising All-Round Dictatorship Over the Bourgeoisie" by Chang Chun-chiao; photocopied article "An Investigaion into the 'Young Marx' Controversy" by William M. Leogrande; photocopies from "Marxist-Leninist Dictionary;" photocopies from the "Peking Review" iss. 1, January 1977: "On the Ten Major Relationships" by Mao Tsetung (first published April 25, 1956).