Contains magazine clippings: article "Multiculturalism's Silent Partner" by David Rieff; materials from "The Origins of Capitalism" study and discussion group and "SON Discussion Group"; notes on "what is Socialism?" by Fred Ho; photocopy of "On Socialism" by Paul M. Sweeney; photocopied publication "Capitalism and its Specters: The World, the Free Market, and the Left" by Robert Pullin and Alexander Cockburn; publication "Marxism: Demise or Renewal" by Herbert Aptheker.
Syllabus, notes, and discussion questions for study groups, including the Organization of Revolutionary Socialist Sisters and Some Men (ORSSASM). Also includes the essay "Marxism and Asian Americans: The Struggle Continues!" by Fred Wei-han Ho.
This subseries contains printed materials collected by Fred Ho related to performances by other people. Reviews written by Fred Ho can be found in Series IV. Recordings of performances by other people can be found in Series VI.