Beacon Falls. Naugatuck River Box 16, Envelope 38 Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut State Library, State Archives Floods and Hurricanes in Connecticut collection, 1936-2011, bulk bulk 1936-1955Series 3. Flood of 1955, 1955Towns
Beacon Falls. Pines bridge Box 16, Envelope 8 Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut State Library, State Archives Floods and Hurricanes in Connecticut collection, 1936-2011, bulk bulk 1936-1955Series 3. Flood of 1955, 1955Towns
Belamose, Conn. Box 4, Envelope 204 Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut State Library, State Archives Floods and Hurricanes in Connecticut collection, 1936-2011, bulk bulk 1936-1955Series 1. Flood of 1936, 1936Oblique Views, 1936
Bellows Falls, Vt. Box 2, Envelope 52-61 Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut State Library, State Archives Floods and Hurricanes in Connecticut collection, 1936-2011, bulk bulk 1936-1955Series 1. Flood of 1936, 1936Oblique Views, 1936
Black Friday Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut State Library, State Archives Floods and Hurricanes in Connecticut collection, 1936-2011, bulk bulk 1936-1955Series 3. Flood of 1955, 1955
Bond Hotel Box 21, Envelope 5 Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut State Library, State Archives Floods and Hurricanes in Connecticut collection, 1936-2011, bulk bulk 1936-1955Series 1. Flood of 1936, 1936William Hankard Collection, 1936
Bradford, Vt. - Piermont, N.H. Box 5, Envelope 9-15 Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut State Library, State Archives Floods and Hurricanes in Connecticut collection, 1936-2011, bulk bulk 1936-1955Series 1. Flood of 1936, 1936Vertical Views, 1836
Bradford, Vt. - Piermont, N.H. 1 photograph Box 20 Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut State Library, State Archives Floods and Hurricanes in Connecticut collection, 1936-2011, bulk bulk 1936-1955Series 1. Flood of 1936, 1936Mosaic Views, 1936
Bradstreet, Mass. Box 3, Envelope 109 Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut State Library, State Archives Floods and Hurricanes in Connecticut collection, 1936-2011, bulk bulk 1936-1955Series 1. Flood of 1936, 1936Oblique Views, 1936
Branford, CT Envelope 59-61 Bookmark Collection Context Connecticut State Library, State Archives Floods and Hurricanes in Connecticut collection, 1936-2011, bulk bulk 1936-1955Series 2. Hurricane of 1938, 1938Oblique View, Alphabetical Listing