The material documents aspects of Cohen's legal career as a civil servant, private attorney, and author, as well as his social, political, and professional activities and personal and family life. Included in the addition are files stemming from Cohen's work as a legislative draftsman and solicitor for the Department of the Interior, relating especially to Indian affairs and natural resources, including the drafting of the Wheeler-Howard Act and the Indian Claims Commission Act. Also included are papers concerning his work as a private attorney after he left government service in 1947, relating to Indian affairs, immigration, and voting rights, including his manuscript notes for oral arguments in the cases of Trujillo vs. Garley and Harrison vs. Laveen (1948). It also includes files relating to Cohen's various writing projects, including Ethical Systems and Legal Ideals (1933) and The Legal Conscience (1960); and extensive files stemming from his activities with the Socialist Party and the National Lawyers Guild and other social, political, and legal organizations (circa 1930-1940), including the League for Industrial Democracy and the Institute for Living Law. Also present are some personal and family papers.