Richard Owen Cambridge. Ozias Humphry, R.A. del. Edward Finden, sc. London, Published 1835 by John Murray. Albemarle Street., 1835 Box 3-81 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Portrait of Richard Owen Cambridge. view more view less Collection Context Yale University -Yale Center for British Art Extra-illustrated Life of Nollekens, 1708-1875, bulk 1768-1836
Richard Payne Knight, Esq. F.R.S. & S.A. From an original picture by T. Lawrence, Esq. R.A. drawn by W. Evans, engraved by E. Scriven. Published May 30, 1811 by T. Cadell & W. Davies, Strand, London., 1811 May 30 Box 1-28 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Portrait of Richard Payne Knight. view more view less Collection Context Yale University -Yale Center for British Art Extra-illustrated Life of Nollekens, 1708-1875, bulk 1768-1836
Richard Wilson, Esqr. Landscape painter. From an original portrait by Mengs painted at Rome 1752. Bromley Sculp., undated Box 1-26 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Portrait of Richard Wilson. view more view less Collection Context Yale University -Yale Center for British Art Extra-illustrated Life of Nollekens, 1708-1875, bulk 1768-1836
Richard Wilson. Painted by Raphael Mings. Engraved by Charles Pye. London. Pub. for the proprietor. September 1822. Proof., 1822 September Box 2-202 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Portrait of Richard Wilson. view more view less Collection Context Yale University -Yale Center for British Art Extra-illustrated Life of Nollekens, 1708-1875, bulk 1768-1836
Rich. Westmacott. J. Derby pinxt. Thomson sculp., undated Box 1-286 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Portrait of Richard Westmacott. view more view less Collection Context Yale University -Yale Center for British Art Extra-illustrated Life of Nollekens, 1708-1875, bulk 1768-1836
Right Honble. Lady Thurlow. Box 1-205 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Portrait of Mary Catherine Thurlow. view more view less Collection Context Yale University -Yale Center for British Art Extra-illustrated Life of Nollekens, 1708-1875, bulk 1768-1836
Rubens (Pierre-Paul) Peintre + 1640. Galrie. Histque. de Versailles. Dessines par Girardet et L. Massard., undated Box 3-84 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Portrait of Peter Paul Rubens. view more view less Collection Context Yale University -Yale Center for British Art Extra-illustrated Life of Nollekens, 1708-1875, bulk 1768-1836
Saml Rogers. Engraved by B. Holl., undated Box 2-295 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Portrait of Samuel Rogers. view more view less Collection Context Yale University -Yale Center for British Art Extra-illustrated Life of Nollekens, 1708-1875, bulk 1768-1836
Samuel Birch Esqr. Lieutenant Colonel Commandant of the First Regiment of Loyal London Volunteers. European Magazine. Engraved by Ridley from an original painting by Drummond. Published by J. Asperne, at the Bible, Gown & Constitution, Cornhill. 1 Novr. 1805., 1805 November 1 Box 1-371 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Portrait of Samuel Birch. view more view less Collection Context Yale University -Yale Center for British Art Extra-illustrated Life of Nollekens, 1708-1875, bulk 1768-1836
Samuel Rogers, Esqr. Engraved by H. Meyer, from a drawing by Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. Published Augt. 16, 1822 by T. Cadell, Strand, London., 1822 August 16 Box 1-393 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Portrait of Samuel Rogers. view more view less Collection Context Yale University -Yale Center for British Art Extra-illustrated Life of Nollekens, 1708-1875, bulk 1768-1836