Martin Archer Shee, Esq. R.A. Engraved by W.T. Fry, from an original drawing by J. Jackson, Esq. A.R.A. Published Jan. 14, 1817 by T. Cadell & W. Davies, Strand, London., 1817 January 14 Box 1-335 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Portrait of Martin Archer Shee. view more view less Collection Context Yale University -Yale Center for British Art Extra-illustrated Life of Nollekens, 1708-1875, bulk 1768-1836
Materials towards a history of the arts of Painting, Sculpture, Engraving, and Architecture, in Great Britian ; illustrated with autographs, portraits, drawings, and engravings; collected and arranged by Joseph Mayer, F.S.A. of Pennant House, Bebington; Formerly of Liverpool. Volume _____ 1875. J.E. Worrall, Liverpool., 1875 Box 3-86 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Six copies of a page containing a variety of engraved images and text. view more view less Collection Context Yale University -Yale Center for British Art Extra-illustrated Life of Nollekens, 1708-1875, bulk 1768-1836
Medal won by the Committee at the Dinner. John Phillip Kemble ... Published by John Miller; Bow Street, Covent Garden, August 1817., 1817 August Box 2-456 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Illustration of medal given to John Phillip Kemble. view more view less Collection Context Yale University -Yale Center for British Art Extra-illustrated Life of Nollekens, 1708-1875, bulk 1768-1836
Michel Angelo Buonarroti. Painted by himself. Engraved by Cosmo Armstrong. London. Pub. for the Proprietor. December, 1822., 1822 December Box 2-10 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Portrait of Michelangelo Buonarroti. view more view less Collection Context Yale University -Yale Center for British Art Extra-illustrated Life of Nollekens, 1708-1875, bulk 1768-1836
Michel Angelo. Th. Langer 1840., 1840 Box 1-341 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Portrait of Michelangelo. view more view less Collection Context Yale University -Yale Center for British Art Extra-illustrated Life of Nollekens, 1708-1875, bulk 1768-1836
Miss Louisa Maria Carr. Engraved by H. Meyer from an original Miniature by C.F. Taylor. London, Published Sepr. 1 1824 for La Belle Assemblee No. 192., 1824 September 1 Box 3-82 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Portrait of Louisa Maria Peach. view more view less Collection Context Yale University -Yale Center for British Art Extra-illustrated Life of Nollekens, 1708-1875, bulk 1768-1836
Miss Mellon, The Present Mrs. Coutts., undated Box 2-46 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Portrait of Harriot Beauclerk. view more view less Collection Context Yale University -Yale Center for British Art Extra-illustrated Life of Nollekens, 1708-1875, bulk 1768-1836
Monmouth House, Soho Square. Built by the unfortunate James Duke of Monmouth, who was beheaded on Town Hill, July 15, 1685 after receiving five strokes of the axe. The house was purchased by the late Lord Bateman, was let by the present Lord, to Count de Guerchy, French ambassador, and was taken down 1773 and on the site Bateman's Buildings now stand. Published June 11, 1792 by N. Smith Gt. Mays Buildings., 1791 January 11 Box 1-29 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope View of Monmouth House. view more view less Collection Context Yale University -Yale Center for British Art Extra-illustrated Life of Nollekens, 1708-1875, bulk 1768-1836
Monsr. Vestris Junr. in the favorite ballet (call'd) Les Amans Surpris. I. Roberts del. Published for Bells British Theatre July 20th 1781. Thornthwaite Sc., 1781 July 20 Box 1-103 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Portrait of Auguste Vestris. view more view less Collection Context Yale University -Yale Center for British Art Extra-illustrated Life of Nollekens, 1708-1875, bulk 1768-1836
Monument Erected to the Memory of Mrs. Howard. J. Nollekins Esqr. R.A. sculptor. Engraved by Heath. London. Published as the act directs. April 1, 1808, for La Belle Assemblee. N. 29 by John Bell, Southampton Street, Strand., 1808 April 1 Box 2-60 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope View of Nollekens' sculpture to the memory of Maria Howard, who died in childbirth in 1789. view more view less Collection Context Yale University -Yale Center for British Art Extra-illustrated Life of Nollekens, 1708-1875, bulk 1768-1836