1. Dedication of the First Unitarian Church. South Natick, Massachusetts. Addresses delivered by Rev. J.P. Sheafe. Rev. Horatio Alger. Semi-Centennial Celebration. November 20, 1878. Natick, Massachusetts. Ryder & Morse, Printers. Citizens Office, 1879 Box 5, Folder 33 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Ellsworth Eliot Collection, 1768-1908Massachusetts History / Eliot Family, 1768-1908
1. Eliot Memorial. Sketches Historical and Biographical of the Eliot Church and Society Boston. By A.C. Thompson. Boston. The Pilgrim Press. Chicago., 1900 Box 1, Folder 2 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Ellsworth Eliot Collection, 1768-1908John Eliot / Eliot Family, 1833-1901
1. First Congregational Church. Madison, Connecticut. Historical Discourse. 170th Anniversary., 1877 Box 5, Folder 28 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Ellsworth Eliot Collection, 1768-1908Connecticut History / Eliot Family, 1850-1902
20. Selections relating to John Eliot, "Apostle to the Indians," and his descendants. Collected by Ellsworth Eliot. Bound in 1891. New York, N.Y. Vol. II . (28 items) Box 3, Folder 21 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Ellsworth Eliot Collection, 1768-1908John Eliot / Eliot Family, 1833-1901
21. Selections relating to John Eliot, "Apostle to the Indians," and his descendants." Collected by Ellsworth Eliot. Bound in 1892. New York, N.Y. Vol. III . (17 items) Box 4, Folder 22 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Ellsworth Eliot Collection, 1768-1908John Eliot / Eliot Family, 1833-1901
22. Eliot Selections. Pamphlets, bound together. Vol. IV (6 items) Box 4, Folder 23 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Ellsworth Eliot Collection, 1768-1908John Eliot / Eliot Family, 1833-1901
23. Selections relating to John Eliot, "Apostle to the Indians," and his descendants. Collected by Ellsworth Eliot. Bound in 1893. (9 items) Box 4, Folder 24 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Ellsworth Eliot Collection, 1768-1908John Eliot / Eliot Family, 1833-1901
24. Notebook. Articles, Paragraphs, etc. Relating to John Eliot, "Apostle to the Indians," or to some member of his family, and his descendants. Derived from various sources. Began. July 1889 Box 4, Folder 25 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Ellsworth Eliot Collection, 1768-1908John Eliot / Eliot Family, 1833-1901
25. Pamphlets and Selections from Magazines and Books relating to the Society for promoting and propagating the Gospel in New England Collected by Ellsworth Eliot. Bound in 1890. Box 4, Folder 26 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Ellsworth Eliot Collection, 1768-1908John Eliot / Eliot Family, 1833-1901
26. Mr. Eliot's Sermon on Exodus 1.21 (typescript transcription of 1739 sermon by Jared Eliot) Box 5, Folder 27 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Divinity School Library Ellsworth Eliot Collection, 1768-1908John Eliot / Eliot Family, 1833-1901