Doctors and diseases Bookmark Collection Context Lyme Public Hall & Local History Archives Elizebeth Bull Plimpton historical papers and clippings, 1625-1994Newspaper clippings
Documents, notes, and research by topic Bookmark Collection Context Lyme Public Hall & Local History Archives Elizebeth Bull Plimpton historical papers and clippings, 1625-1994
Dominick Dunne Bookmark Collection Context Lyme Public Hall & Local History Archives Elizebeth Bull Plimpton historical papers and clippings, 1625-1994Newspaper clippingsPeoplePeople by name
Dorothy Day Durfee manuscript, "The First Ministers of Hadlyme", undated Box 002, Folder 009 Bookmark Collection Context Lyme Public Hall & Local History Archives Elizebeth Bull Plimpton historical papers and clippings, 1625-1994Documents, notes, and research by topicChurches and Town HallLyme's Ecclesiastical SocietiesNotes and research
Douglas D. Moss review of Connecticut Board of Fisheries pamphlet, "A History of the Connecticut River and its Fisheries", undated Box 003, Folder 002 Bookmark Collection Context Lyme Public Hall & Local History Archives Elizebeth Bull Plimpton historical papers and clippings, 1625-1994Documents, notes, and research by topicBusiness and industryFishingMiscellaneousNotes and research
Dr. Alice Hamilton Bookmark Collection Context Lyme Public Hall & Local History Archives Elizebeth Bull Plimpton historical papers and clippings, 1625-1994Newspaper clippingsDoctors and diseases
Dr. Edith Hamilton Bookmark Collection Context Lyme Public Hall & Local History Archives Elizebeth Bull Plimpton historical papers and clippings, 1625-1994Newspaper clippingsDoctors and diseases
Dr. J. G. Ely invoice to Town of Lyme, 1893 Box 002, Folder 014 Bookmark Collection Context Lyme Public Hall & Local History Archives Elizebeth Bull Plimpton historical papers and clippings, 1625-1994Documents, notes, and research by topicDoctors and diseases
Dr. Julian G. Ely Bookmark Collection Context Lyme Public Hall & Local History Archives Elizebeth Bull Plimpton historical papers and clippings, 1625-1994Newspaper clippingsDoctors and diseases
Dr. Richard Noyes house and Rev. Moses Noyes House - Susan Hollingsworth Ely manuscript, undated Box 008, Folder 006 Bookmark Collection Context Lyme Public Hall & Local History Archives Elizebeth Bull Plimpton historical papers and clippings, 1625-1994Documents, notes, and research by topicHistoric houses