Clipping, "Woman rural mail carrier likes work - Maude Gates, Hadlyme", 1979 Box 004, Folder 011 Bookmark Collection Context Lyme Public Hall & Local History Archives Elizebeth Bull Plimpton historical papers and clippings, 1625-1994Newspaper clippingsPost officesHadlyme
Clipping, "Writer recalls lore of Lyme shipmaster", 1949 Box 003, Folder 023 Bookmark Collection Context Lyme Public Hall & Local History Archives Elizebeth Bull Plimpton historical papers and clippings, 1625-1994Newspaper clippingsTransportationOther ships and boats
Clubs and associations Bookmark Collection Context Lyme Public Hall & Local History Archives Elizebeth Bull Plimpton historical papers and clippings, 1625-1994Documents, notes, and research by topic
Clubs and associations Bookmark Collection Context Lyme Public Hall & Local History Archives Elizebeth Bull Plimpton historical papers and clippings, 1625-1994Documents, notes, and research by topicPeopleWilliam Marvin, Judge
Clubs and associations Bookmark Collection Context Lyme Public Hall & Local History Archives Elizebeth Bull Plimpton historical papers and clippings, 1625-1994Newspaper clippings
Committee report on road, 1817 Box 002, Folder 018a Bookmark Collection Context Lyme Public Hall & Local History Archives Elizebeth Bull Plimpton historical papers and clippings, 1625-1994Documents, notes, and research by topicTransportationRoads and bridgesFerry access roads
Complaint against Nathan Stark, Samuel Denisson, William Angel, Jeffery Champion, 1777 Box 004, Folder 018 Bookmark Collection Context Lyme Public Hall & Local History Archives Elizebeth Bull Plimpton historical papers and clippings, 1625-1994Documents, notes, and research by topicWars and veteransRevolutionary War
Complaint against Roger Alger, 1778-07-18 Box 004, Folder 018 Bookmark Collection Context Lyme Public Hall & Local History Archives Elizebeth Bull Plimpton historical papers and clippings, 1625-1994Documents, notes, and research by topicWars and veteransRevolutionary War
Complaint against William Brown of Salem, Massachusetts, 1776-08-06 Box 004, Folder 018 Bookmark Collection Context Lyme Public Hall & Local History Archives Elizebeth Bull Plimpton historical papers and clippings, 1625-1994Documents, notes, and research by topicWars and veteransRevolutionary War
Connecticut Bookmark Collection Context Lyme Public Hall & Local History Archives Elizebeth Bull Plimpton historical papers and clippings, 1625-1994Documents, notes, and research by topicGeneral histories