Clipping, "This earth of ours", undated Box 003, Folder 007 Bookmark Collection Context Lyme Public Hall & Local History Archives Elizebeth Bull Plimpton historical papers and clippings, 1625-1994Newspaper clippingsPeoplePeople by nameJames Ely HardingClippings by James Ely Harding
Clipping, Thomas Nason fall exhibition, 1983 Box 001, Folder 010 Bookmark Collection Context Lyme Public Hall & Local History Archives Elizebeth Bull Plimpton historical papers and clippings, 1625-1994Newspaper clippingsArt and artistsThomas W. Nason
Clipping, "Three Beaver Brook Road Mills carry on lumber industry that dates to early colonial days", 1978 Box 004, Folder 004 Bookmark Collection Context Lyme Public Hall & Local History Archives Elizebeth Bull Plimpton historical papers and clippings, 1625-1994Newspaper clippingsBusiness and industryMills
Clipping, "Tiffany Farms draft ponies to be shown at Lyme Tercentenary", undated Box 006, Folder 014 Bookmark Collection Context Lyme Public Hall & Local History Archives Elizebeth Bull Plimpton historical papers and clippings, 1625-1994Newspaper clippingsHolidays and observancesLyme Tercentenary
Clipping, "Tiffany (formerly Sterling Mill and Dickenson Birch Mill) mill is a mixture of Lyme and falling water", 1992 Box 004, Folder 004 Bookmark Collection Context Lyme Public Hall & Local History Archives Elizebeth Bull Plimpton historical papers and clippings, 1625-1994Newspaper clippingsBusiness and industryMills
Clipping, "To ask Lyme voters for addition of ell to consolidated school building", 1946 Box 005, Folder 009 Bookmark Collection Context Lyme Public Hall & Local History Archives Elizebeth Bull Plimpton historical papers and clippings, 1625-1994Newspaper clippingsSchools and educationModern schools
Clipping, "To welcome service men", 1918 Box 006, Folder 018 Bookmark Collection Context Lyme Public Hall & Local History Archives Elizebeth Bull Plimpton historical papers and clippings, 1625-1994Newspaper clippingsWars and veteransWorld War I
Clipping, ""Town meeting recommended to resolve access dispute", 1991 Box 006, Folder 005 Bookmark Collection Context Lyme Public Hall & Local History Archives Elizebeth Bull Plimpton historical papers and clippings, 1625-1994Newspaper clippingsTransportationRoads and bridgesSelden Road
Clipping, Town of Lyme release to State of all interests in Chester-Hadlyme Ferry franchise, 1917 Box 002, Folder 017 Bookmark Collection Context Lyme Public Hall & Local History Archives Elizebeth Bull Plimpton historical papers and clippings, 1625-1994Newspaper clippingsTransportationFerries and steamboatsChester-Hadlyme
Clipping, "Trail work exposes nature, history. Hartman Park", undated Box 003, Folder 007 Bookmark Collection Context Lyme Public Hall & Local History Archives Elizebeth Bull Plimpton historical papers and clippings, 1625-1994Newspaper clippingsOpen spaces and parksHartman Park