Clipping, "Dr. Hamilton is 100 today. Hadlyme, Conn.", 1969 Box 003, Folder 006 Bookmark Collection Context Lyme Public Hall & Local History Archives Elizebeth Bull Plimpton historical papers and clippings, 1625-1994Newspaper clippingsDoctors and diseasesDr. Alice Hamilton
Clipping, "Dunne finds Hadlyme sublime", 1993 Box 003, Folder 004 Bookmark Collection Context Lyme Public Hall & Local History Archives Elizebeth Bull Plimpton historical papers and clippings, 1625-1994Newspaper clippingsPeoplePeople by nameDominick Dunne
Clipping, "Early ferries. Chester-Hadlyme Ferry", undated Box 002, Folder 019 Bookmark Collection Context Lyme Public Hall & Local History Archives Elizebeth Bull Plimpton historical papers and clippings, 1625-1994Newspaper clippingsTransportationFerries and steamboatsChester-Hadlyme
Clipping, "Education; how it was in the early days of Saybrook Colony", 1967 Box 005, Folder 009 Bookmark Collection Context Lyme Public Hall & Local History Archives Elizebeth Bull Plimpton historical papers and clippings, 1625-1994Newspaper clippingsSchools and educationOne room schools
Clipping, "Edwards-Sawyer wedding a brilliant nuptial event at Hamburg Thursday afternoon", 1905 Box 006, Folder 011 Bookmark Collection Context Lyme Public Hall & Local History Archives Elizebeth Bull Plimpton historical papers and clippings, 1625-1994Newspaper clippingsPeopleMarriages and anniversaries
Clipping, "Essex, Conn., history, business, memoir", undated Box 007, Folder 008 Bookmark Collection Context Lyme Public Hall & Local History Archives Elizebeth Bull Plimpton historical papers and clippings, 1625-1994Newspaper clippingsBusiness and industryMills
Clipping, "Ethan Allen and Revolutionary War", undated Box 004, Folder 014 Bookmark Collection Context Lyme Public Hall & Local History Archives Elizebeth Bull Plimpton historical papers and clippings, 1625-1994Newspaper clippingsWars and veteransRevolutionary War
Clipping, "Ex-ferry captain Fred Beebe dies", undated Box 002, Folder 019 Bookmark Collection Context Lyme Public Hall & Local History Archives Elizebeth Bull Plimpton historical papers and clippings, 1625-1994Newspaper clippingsTransportationFerries and steamboatsChester-Hadlyme
Clipping, "Facts about Connecticut. Native American wars 1637-1763", 1928 Box 003, Folder 017 Bookmark Collection Context Lyme Public Hall & Local History Archives Elizebeth Bull Plimpton historical papers and clippings, 1625-1994Newspaper clippingsNative Americans
Clipping, "Fair fun Hamburg Fair for all ages 96th", 1998 Box 003, Folder 005 Bookmark Collection Context Lyme Public Hall & Local History Archives Elizebeth Bull Plimpton historical papers and clippings, 1625-1994Newspaper clippingsHamburg Fair