Town of Lyme legal notices of party endorsed candidates, 1957-1960 Box 004, Folder 009 Bookmark Collection Context Lyme Public Hall & Local History Archives Elizebeth Bull Plimpton historical papers and clippings, 1625-1994Documents, notes, and research by topicGovernment and politicsElections and candidates
Town of Lyme pamphlet, zoning regulations, 1944 Box 004, Folder 009 Bookmark Collection Context Lyme Public Hall & Local History Archives Elizebeth Bull Plimpton historical papers and clippings, 1625-1994Documents, notes, and research by topicGovernment and politicsMiscellaneous
Town of Lyme program, celebration honoring Judge William Marvin, 1947 Box 004, Folder 001 Bookmark Collection Context Lyme Public Hall & Local History Archives Elizebeth Bull Plimpton historical papers and clippings, 1625-1994Documents, notes, and research by topicPeopleWilliam Marvin, JudgeCareer
Town of Lyme proposed budget, 1959 Box 004, Folder 009 Bookmark Collection Context Lyme Public Hall & Local History Archives Elizebeth Bull Plimpton historical papers and clippings, 1625-1994Documents, notes, and research by topicGovernment and politicsFinances
Town of Lyme records of the Colonial Council of Safety, 1775-1777 Box 004, Folder 017 Bookmark Collection Context Lyme Public Hall & Local History Archives Elizebeth Bull Plimpton historical papers and clippings, 1625-1994Documents, notes, and research by topicWars and veteransRevolutionary War
Town of Lyme register of electors and representatives, 1851-04-05 Box 004, Folder 010 Bookmark Collection Context Lyme Public Hall & Local History Archives Elizebeth Bull Plimpton historical papers and clippings, 1625-1994Documents, notes, and research by topicGovernment and politicsElectors and representatives
Transcription of Capt. Samuel Waite letter to Anne Chadwick Brainerd on maritime activity of Connecticut River and Lyme area after War of 1812, 1894-03-18 Box 008, Folder 009 Bookmark Collection Context Lyme Public Hall & Local History Archives Elizebeth Bull Plimpton historical papers and clippings, 1625-1994Documents, notes, and research by topicBusiness and industryShipbuilding and maritime tradeNotes and research
Transportation Bookmark Collection Context Lyme Public Hall & Local History Archives Elizebeth Bull Plimpton historical papers and clippings, 1625-1994Documents, notes, and research by topicPeopleWilliam Marvin, JudgeHistory
Transportation Bookmark Collection Context Lyme Public Hall & Local History Archives Elizebeth Bull Plimpton historical papers and clippings, 1625-1994Documents, notes, and research by topic
Transportation Bookmark Collection Context Lyme Public Hall & Local History Archives Elizebeth Bull Plimpton historical papers and clippings, 1625-1994Newspaper clippings