Correspondence, memoranda, notes, and drawings record Herrick's work in astonomy and entomology, particularly his observations on the Aurora Borealis and the Hessian fly. Prominent scientists among his correspondents include Louis Agassiz, James D. Dana, Thaddeus William Harris, Elias Loomis, Lambert Adolphe Jacques Quetelet, William C. Redfield, Samuel H. Scudder, Benjamin Silliman, Benjamin Silliman Jr., and William Tully. His career as librarian of Yale College (1843-1858) is reflected in catalogues, invoices, and memoranda relating to book purchases for the library. Between 1847 and 1862 he also supervised the publication of the triennial catalogues for Yale College and memoranda concerning these are also in the papers. His financial and legal files contain both personal records and account books (1835-1844) for the booksellers' firm of Herrick and Noyes, of which he was a partner. Also included are papers relating to New Haven including minutes of committee meetings, reports and correspondence on the Bicentennial (1838).