Greene, Stephen [lectures], 1959-1959 Box 23, Folder 36 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Edmund Ware Sinnott papers, 1904-1968Subject Files, 1925-1964
Growth, 1950-1950 Box 12, Folder 196 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Edmund Ware Sinnott papers, 1904-1968Correspondence, 1924-1968Select
H, 1958-1962 Box 10, Folder 176 - 177 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Edmund Ware Sinnott papers, 1904-1968Correspondence, 1924-1968SelectCongregational churches
H - J, 1927-1940 Box 4, Folder 65 - 73 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Edmund Ware Sinnott papers, 1904-1968Correspondence, 1924-1968General
Honorary degrees, 1946-1954 Box 23, Folder 37 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Edmund Ware Sinnott papers, 1904-1968Subject Files, 1925-1964
"Jed", 1960-1963 Box 12, Folder 197 - 198 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Edmund Ware Sinnott papers, 1904-1968Correspondence, 1924-1968Select
J - K, 1960-1961 Box 10, Folder 178 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Edmund Ware Sinnott papers, 1904-1968Correspondence, 1924-1968SelectCongregational churches
Journal of Botany, American, 1935-1936 Box 4, Folder 74 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Edmund Ware Sinnott papers, 1904-1968Correspondence, 1924-1968General
K - L, 1927-1940 Box 4, Folder 75 - 84 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Edmund Ware Sinnott papers, 1904-1968Correspondence, 1924-1968General
L, 1958-1966 Box 10, Folder 179 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Edmund Ware Sinnott papers, 1904-1968Correspondence, 1924-1968SelectCongregational churches