Introduction and Dedication, undated Box 4, Folder 81 Bookmark Collection Context University of Connecticut -Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center Ed Sanders Papers, undated, 1955 - 1976Series II: Books and Pamphlets, 1969 - 1976Subseries A: Shards of God, 1969 - 1970Original Manuscript, undated
Introduction/ Chapter 1: The Mother - in -Law, undated Box 10, Folder 244 Bookmark Collection Context University of Connecticut -Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center Ed Sanders Papers, undated, 1955 - 1976Series II: Books and Pamphlets, 1969 - 1976Subseries C: Tales of Beatnik Glory, 1973 - 1975Final Manuscript, undated
Introduction/ Index, undated Box 7:, Folder 169 Bookmark Collection Context University of Connecticut -Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center Ed Sanders Papers, undated, 1955 - 1976Series II: Books and Pamphlets, 1969 - 1976Subseries B: The Family, 1971 - 1972Dutton's Editor's Copy, undated
Introduction/Index, undated Box 10, Folder 227 Bookmark Collection Context University of Connecticut -Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center Ed Sanders Papers, undated, 1955 - 1976Series II: Books and Pamphlets, 1969 - 1976Subseries C: Tales of Beatnik Glory, 1973 - 1975Original Manuscript, undated
Introduction - Total Assault on Cantina, undated Box 11, Folder 265 Bookmark Collection Context University of Connecticut -Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center Ed Sanders Papers, undated, 1955 - 1976Series II: Books and Pamphlets, 1969 - 1976Subseries C: Tales of Beatnik Glory, 1973 - 1975Reproductions, undated
Introduction, undated Box 4, Folder 68 Bookmark Collection Context University of Connecticut -Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center Ed Sanders Papers, undated, 1955 - 1976Series II: Books and Pamphlets, 1969 - 1976Subseries A: Shards of God, 1969 - 1970Notes and Drafts, undated
Introduction, undated Box 6, Folder 130 Bookmark Collection Context University of Connecticut -Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center Ed Sanders Papers, undated, 1955 - 1976Series II: Books and Pamphlets, 1969 - 1976Subseries B: The Family, 1971 - 1972Author's Manuscript, undated
Investigative Poetry, undated, 1975 Box 11, Folder 271 Bookmark Collection Context University of Connecticut -Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center Ed Sanders Papers, undated, 1955 - 1976Series I: Poetry, 1955 - 1976Subseries B: Collected Poems, undated,1955 - 1976
Issue #1, 1962 Box 13:, Folder 374 Bookmark Collection Context University of Connecticut -Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center Ed Sanders Papers, undated, 1955 - 1976Series IV: Personal and Professional, undated, 1960 - 1970Fuck You/A Magazine of the Arts, 1957 - 1965Notes and Drafts for Publication, 1962 - 1965
Issue #2, undated Box 13:, Folder 375 Bookmark Collection Context University of Connecticut -Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center Ed Sanders Papers, undated, 1955 - 1976Series IV: Personal and Professional, undated, 1960 - 1970Fuck You/A Magazine of the Arts, 1957 - 1965Notes and Drafts for Publication, 1962 - 1965