Vaccination Against Poliomyelitis [Discussion, Fourth International Poliomyelitis Congress, Philadelphia], 1957-1957 Box 16, Folder 30 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Dorothy M. Horstmann papers, 1927-2001, bulk 1946-1995Writings, 1946 -1994, n.d.
Vaccination Against Poliomyelitis [Discussion, Fourth International Poliomyelitis Congress, Philadelphia], 1958-1958 Box 16, Folder 36 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Dorothy M. Horstmann papers, 1927-2001, bulk 1946-1995Writings, 1946 -1994, n.d.
Vaccination against Rubella (San Francisco), (South Africa), 1946-1995 Box 20, Folder 148 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Dorothy M. Horstmann papers, 1927-2001, bulk 1946-1995Writings, 1946 -1994, n.d.
Vaccination experiments, 1946-1995 Box 23, Folder 1 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Dorothy M. Horstmann papers, 1927-2001, bulk 1946-1995Research and Consultations, 1940-1990Research notes on infectious diseasesPoliomyelitis studies
Vaccination studies, 1946-1995 Box 33, Folder 160 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Dorothy M. Horstmann papers, 1927-2001, bulk 1946-1995Research and Consultations, 1940-1990Field studiesMiddletown (CT)
"Vaccination vs Rubella" (Prague), 1985-1985 Box 20, Folder 169 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Dorothy M. Horstmann papers, 1927-2001, bulk 1946-1995Writings, 1946 -1994, n.d.
Vaccine as provoking factor, 1953-1953 Box 24, Folder 20 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Dorothy M. Horstmann papers, 1927-2001, bulk 1946-1995Research and Consultations, 1940-1990Research notes on infectious diseasesPoliomyelitis studies
Vaccine development, 1969-1969 Box 28, Folder 98 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Dorothy M. Horstmann papers, 1927-2001, bulk 1946-1995Research and Consultations, 1940-1990Research notes on infectious diseasesOther
Vaccine embargo, 1946-1995 Box 25, Folder 24 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Dorothy M. Horstmann papers, 1927-2001, bulk 1946-1995Research and Consultations, 1940-1990Research notes on infectious diseasesPoliomyelitis studies
Vaccine experiments, 1946-1995 Box 35, Folder 209 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Dorothy M. Horstmann papers, 1927-2001, bulk 1946-1995Research and Consultations, 1940-1990Field studiesSouthbury (CT) Training School