"Poliomyelitis, 1956" [Society of American Bacteriologists, New York], 1955-1956 Box 15, Folder 20 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Dorothy M. Horstmann papers, 1927-2001, bulk 1946-1995Writings, 1946 -1994, n.d.
"Poliomyelitis, 1961" (Madison), 1961-1961 Box 17, Folder 53 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Dorothy M. Horstmann papers, 1927-2001, bulk 1946-1995Writings, 1946 -1994, n.d.
Poliomyelitis, 1963-1963 Box 22, Folder 9 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Dorothy M. Horstmann papers, 1927-2001, bulk 1946-1995Teaching, 1947-1983Second year medical students
Poliomyelitis 2 and Poliomyelitis 3, 1962-1962 Box 34, Folder 188 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Dorothy M. Horstmann papers, 1927-2001, bulk 1946-1995Research and Consultations, 1940-1990Field studiesNew Haven (CT)
Poliomyelitis: A Menace Gone Underground, 1973-1973 Box 19, Folder 116 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Dorothy M. Horstmann papers, 1927-2001, bulk 1946-1995Writings, 1946 -1994, n.d.
"Poliomyelitis and Other Enterovirus Infections of the CNS- Present and Future", 1966-1966 Box 18, Folder 79 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Dorothy M. Horstmann papers, 1927-2001, bulk 1946-1995Writings, 1946 -1994, n.d.
Poliomyelitis cases, 1959-1959 Box 33, Folder 170 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Dorothy M. Horstmann papers, 1927-2001, bulk 1946-1995Research and Consultations, 1940-1990Field studiesNew Haven (CT)
Poliomyelitis (Cincinnati), 1959-1959 Box 16, Folder 39 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Dorothy M. Horstmann papers, 1927-2001, bulk 1946-1995Writings, 1946 -1994, n.d.
Poliomyelitis Control, a Continuing Parado [Robert Ward Memorial Lectures], 1982-1982 Box 22, Folder 23 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Dorothy M. Horstmann papers, 1927-2001, bulk 1946-1995Teaching, 1947-1983Outside of Yale University
Poliomyelitis Control: A Continuing Paradox [Robert Ward Memorial Lecture], 1982-1983 Box 20, Folder 161 Bookmark Collection Context Yale University -Manuscripts and Archives Dorothy M. Horstmann papers, 1927-2001, bulk 1946-1995Writings, 1946 -1994, n.d.